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Spil-arrangementer i Danmark


Level: 22 (Ice Keese)

1ups givet

Skrevet 11-06-2015 21:41

Der dukker flere og flere spil-events op her i Danmark, så jeg tænkte, at vi måske kunne have en tråd til sådanne arrangementer.


    Level: 22 (Ice Keese)

    1ups givet

    #1 - Skrevet 11-06-2015 21:43 - Redigeret 11-06-2015 21:46

    Jeg lægger ud med "SpilBar", som foregår i Aalborg i næste uge. Kort fortalt er SpilBar et koncept, hvor folk mødes og snakker om spil(udvikling). Som regel kommer der interessante talere fra både ind- og udland (fx var Tim Schafer fra Double Fine på besøg til SpilBar i Viborg for nogle måneder siden).

    Programmet kan læses herunder.

    SpilBar skrev:

    Tilmelding via Facebook (gratis):

    18. juni klokken 16:30 - 18:30
    Byens Rum, Hørfrøgade 4, 9000 Aalborg

    Can You Gamify Depression? And why do I need a reason to touch my friends? When is a game more an experience than it’s entertainment? And can you use games to break social rules in areas such as infidelity, platonic love, the meaning of physical touch?

    Come join us for SpilBar when Michael Levall and Jonas Vigstrand will talk about dealing with issues such as these through their games "Please Knock on My Door" and "A Reason to Touch".

    As always our SpilBar talks will be followed by some casual networking and cosy atmosphere over a beer, soda and snacks.

    About the speakers:

    Michael Levall is the former creative and project lead at Dead Shark Triplepunch who worked on the futuristic ball-sport Epigenesis. He has now moved on to create his own studio where his main focus lies on social commentary games. Michael and his team at Dead Shark Triplepunch received the winning award from Epic Games’ Make Something Unreal Live competition, Game of the Year in the Swedish Game Awards 2013 and 50’000 SEK in the Game Concept Challenge. Michael was personally nominated for Best Narrative in the Swedish Game Awards 2014, and received a university diploma for his Bachelor’s Thesis Understanding through games: Life Philosophies and Socratic Dialogue in an unusual Medium.

    Jonas Vigstrand is the former UI designer of Dead Shark Triplepunch who created the sci-fi sport game Epigenesis. The game was the Winner of awards such as the Make something Unreal Competition 2013, Swedish Game Awards Game of the year and Game Concept Challenge. Jonas himself received a university diploma for his Bachelor’s Thesis Posthumanism in relation to digital games : The creation of bodies and its meaning.