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NBA STREET V3. Med Mario, Luigi og Peach.

Skrevet af Matthias Aurelian - 05-02-2005 14:02

Spillet NBA STREET V3 får 3 stk. gæster i gamecube versionen. Nemlig Mario Luigi og Peach. De kan spille som Nintendo All-Stars team, og enkeltvis i det nye slam dunk contest.

executive producer Wil Mozell sagde:
“We’re very excited to be able to incorporate the Nintendo All-Stars, as well as their own authentic Nintendo court, into NBA STREET V3,”

Og Wil Mozell sagde også:
“There’s nothing quite like seeing Mario, Luigi and Peach taking the over-the-top gameplay of NBA STREET V3 to the extreme as they square off against some of today’s top NBA stars and all-time greats.”

Og det kan man da heller ikke sige ham imod.

1ups givet
