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DS Lite hitter i England

DS Lite hitter i England

Skrevet af Matthias Aurelian - 27-06-2006 16:18

Ikke mindre end 35.000 enheder har DS Lite solgt i England siden udgivelsen sidste fredag.
Dette er selvfølgelig ikke meget i sammenligning med de 87.000 enheder den originale DS-maskine solgte ved dens udgivelse. Men set i lyset af at det er "DS nummer 2" er dette ikke så mærkeligt.
Det interessante er faktisk, at Udgivelsen af DS Lite ikke havde nogen negativ effekt på salget af den originale DS eller PSP.

Dorian Bloch fra ChartTrack fortalte
"You can call it good as they've managed to sell 35,000 even though the football's on. I tend to think it doesn't make much difference to what the year total will be, because those who haven't bought it yet will buy it as soon as their attention has moved on from something else."

"Who's buying it? The answer is in the pink one - DS Pink made up half of original DS sales last week, bundled with Nintendogs Daschund."

"PSP sales are actually up - week 25 was actually up quite a lot anyway in terms of software and hardware, because we've gone past the really, really low point now. We're not going to have a week as low as the past couple of weeks. But that's the traditional low point anyway, which hasn't been helped by the football."

Derudover gik de 8 eksklusive DS-spil som fulgte med DS Lite-udgivelsen direkte op på top 40.

Så skal man jo også tænke på at DS Lite har solgt hele 2,2 milioner eksemplarer i Japan siden udgivelsen den 2 marts.

1ups givet


#1 - You don't know me!

Level: 1 (Goomba)

27-06-2006 19:31

godt gået, DS Lite is for the hardcore players
1ups givet

#2 - Rafaelsen

Level: 1 (Goomba)

27-06-2006 20:34

...I want one... Smiley
1ups givet