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Kelly Flock fra THQ har store forventninger til Wii

Skrevet af Zøvnig - 16-02-2007 14:33

Hos IGN har de taget en snak med Kelly Flock fra THQ omkring hans syn på Wii. Og man kan roligt sige manden har en positiv indstilling. Hvis nogle skulle være i tvivl om hvem Kelly Flock er kan vi fortælle han blandt andet har været ansat hos Sony Online i mange år og er manden der stod for launchen af spillet EverQuest til både PC og Playstaion 2.

Siden da er han blevet executive vice president hos THQ. Interviewet giver indtrykket af at han både som privat person og som repræsentant for THW har store forventninger til Wii. Alene i år forventer THQ at smide 11 Wii titler på gaden. Flere af dem er børne titler men Kelly lover samtidig er der vil være "Wii-Specifikke" titler imellem. Og han har på ingen måde betænkninger ved at smide M rated spil ud til Wii. Han mener Wii
er for alle aldre

Kelly er sikker på at Wii nok skal have sine egne faste tilhængere. Derudover også regner med at mange der investere i Playstaion 3 eller Xbox 360 også vil anskaffe sig en Wii.

IGN: Where do you see Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 in two years?

Kelly Flock: Well, there's a whole bunch of different answers to this one. There are people's personal opinions, industry metrics, and there is how we manage our business, for example. My personal is that I've been bullish on Wii and I think they're going to do a much better job at getting a piece of the market than GameCube did against PS2 and the first Xbox. At the same time, we're seeing good momentum on the 360 and still on the PS3, although it certainly feels like a slower ramp up. So in two years - I don't know what numbers we have on them now, but we tend to accept what the hardware companies tell us and we have an aggressive slate on all three platforms. We're one of those publishers in a unique position of having all the resources to cut across all three of them. We have great relationships with all three companies. And we sort of see them getting into different niches altogether. The 360 is looking an awful lot like it did on Xbox, with the hardcore gamer and the shooter category. The Wii is the one that seems to be getting adopted by everybody - it's an aggressive price point. I don't think it will just be a second console, but I think you will see that the people who do buy a high-end consoles will also get a Wii, and not necessarily the reverse. Right now, we're taking the position that all three of them are going to hit their numbers over the next few years and create viable markets for us.

Hele interviewet med Kelly Flock kan læses Lige her.

1ups givet


#1 - MegaGame

Level: 2 (Keese)

16-02-2007 16:11

ja vist alle der køber en ps3 eller en xbox360 også køber en wii, vil wii der sælger meget godt*G*
1ups givet