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Nintendo udtaler sig om Nintendo Switch Online, indie-spil og forventninger til Switch

Skrevet af JOEP - 10-07-2018 09:41

For nyligt afholdt Nintendo deres generalforsamling, hvor der blev stillet en masse gode spørgsmål, som går på Nintendos tanker, strategier og fremtidsplaner, samt deres blik på, hvordan det forgangne år er gået i deres optik. Det kom der en masse interessante informationer ud af.

Omkring indie-spil forventer Nintendo fremadrettet at kunne lancere 20-30 nye spil på Switch hver uge, og de har lige nu et mål om, at der skal være 1500 titler udviklet ved hjælp af Unity. Det udtaler forskellige talspersoner fra Nintendo, som det ses herunder:

We started working with indie developers during the Wii U generation. For Nintendo Switch, we set up a development environment that supports Unity middleware, which is used on smartphones and other platforms. We are also actively engaging with indie developers at video game-focused shows and other events in different regions. We also had a Nintendo booth at the BitSummit indie game event held in Kyoto, where we showcased some games. Some of the indie games already released have gone on to become million sellers worldwide. In the future, we are looking to release around 20 to 30 indie games on Nintendo Switch per week, and we definitely expect to see some great games among them.

We are currently working towards reaching 1,500 software titles developed for Nintendo platforms using Unity. I think that will give you an idea of how much it has grown

Nintendo forventer at komme med flere detaljer om Nintendo Switch Online inden lanceringen i september, hvilket nok ikke er helt uventet, eftersom vi stadig mangler mange detaljer.

Når det kommer til forventninger til salgstal holder Nintendo fast i deres målsætning om 20 millioner solgte Switch-enheder i finansåret, der går fra april 2018 til marts 2019. De har desuden store forventninger til Nintendo Labo, der udkom i april måned, men som nok ikke har været den bragende succes, som de lige forventede.

Our sales targets for Nintendo Switch hardware and software during this fiscal year will not be an easy challenge to meet, but we are putting all of our efforts into doing just that. If you look at our software lineup for the fiscal year that we showed at E3, you can see a relative trend that the titles that resonate most with consumers are concentrated toward the latter half. That is why I think the way Nintendo Switch hardware sells during this fiscal year will be slightly different from in the last. A simple comparison of hardware units sold during the first quarter of this fiscal year might not look as good as the units sold during this period in the prior fiscal year. However, this is something we expected, so this shift is well within expectations when looking at our software lineup for the entire fiscal year. And on the topic of Nintendo Labo, we are grateful for the tremendous response we have received from all kinds of places even prior to its launch. On the other hand, I see it as characteristically different from the titles we have released up until now and, therefore, the sales route and the flow until it reaches consumers also differs from other games. We anticipate that parents will purchase it for their children, for example, which potentially requires an opportunity to make a purchase like a birthday, Christmas or summer break. That is why we are currently focused on making sure that consumers fully understand the appeal of the product. What that means is the way we are selling Nintendo Labo is not like traditional games, where they sell well upon initial release and then sales numbers gradually decrease. Instead, we hope Nintendo Labo becomes a topic of interest for all kinds of people, and when an increased number of people want it and a certain time comes to make purchases, they will all buy it. Furthermore, regarding sales channels, we do not necessarily think that the types of retailers who generally sell a lot of games are always the most well-suited for selling Nintendo Labo, which is something we are keenly aware of when working to promote the product.

Udover disse lidt større udtalelser kom det også frem, at Nintendo fremover vil se mere på at sælge soundtracks til sine spil separat, som vi har set med Super Mario Odyssey og Kirby: Planet Robobot, og så planlægger de deres indtægtsstrategi for spil til smart devices individuelt, således at de ikke implementerer mikrotransaktioner i alle deres spil, bare fordi det har givet dem en stor indtægt på ét spil.

Du kan læse meget mere i den oversatte rapport, som er tilgængelig her.

Hvad gør du dig af tanker omkring disse emner?

1ups givet


#1 - Nemy

Level: 27 (Beetle)

10-07-2018 12:59

Der er altså kun 2 måneder til, nu må de godt lige fortælle lidt mere om den onlinedel Smiley
1ups givet

#2 - Krisp

Level: 18 (Twhomp)

11-07-2018 07:55

#1: Det er det samme jeg går og tænker. Det kunne nu være rart at få lidt flere oplysninger på plads.
1ups givet