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OPDATERET: Mere Project Rub

Skrevet af BonusNinja - 27-06-2005 02:29

På trods af lavere salgstal end forventet, udmelder manden bag Project Rub, Takumi Yoshinaga, at de er i gang med at udvikle endnu et Nintendo DS-spil, som vil tage sted i samme verden som Project Rub.

Dette er hvad Takumi Yoshinaga udtaler til et event i Tokyo:
"I am currently developing a title that kind of expands on the world of Feel the Magic. I create my games with the hope they will make people happy when they play it," said Yoshinaga. "I can't talk about the details yet, but I'd like to keep creating these kinds of titles, which will leave something [in the hearts] of the players. The point is communion between the heart of people and people."

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Level: 16 (Space Pirate)

27-06-2005 13:08

det er for svært. kan ikke engang få klaret 1. bane på hell
1ups givet