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Resident Evil 5 til Revolution

Skrevet af Zøvnig - 09-09-2005 13:18

Ovre hos Cubed3 har en af deres journalister lige været til julefest hos Nintendo i England, og vedkommende fik snakket med en hel del mennesker. Han bekræfter, efter at have snakket med folk der havde indsider-viden, at Resident Evil 5 kommer til Revolution. Jeg gengiver lige det stykke her der i øvrigt også giver en forklaring på den lidt hakkede grafik vi så i billederne til Resident Evil DS.

As they will most likely be for the impending release of Resident Evil: Deadly Silence, which was briefly revealed in Famitsu via some sketchy images and later by the official Capcom website. Reaction to the game so far has appeared mixed, with the idea of RE DS being positive, but the current graphical quality not impressing at all due to it looking much more rough than the gorgeous N64 port of Resident Evil 2 – and with the DS being reportedly more powerful than the N64 the angry bandwagon is rapidly overflowing. However, I learned at that night Capcom is working the original RE into a fully-3D format, with first-person shooting sections from RE4 on the GameCube. Now do you see why it all looks a little rough around the edges at this early stage? This game is going to BIG, with players having to wipe the touch-screen with their fingers to clear away blood that has splashed in your face! Capcom and Nintendo are as close as ever, which is why it was also confirmed that what a few of us had suspected is true – Resident Evil 5 has yet to be announced for the Revolution purely because details of the system are not publicly available. There will be good news on this front, worry ye not!

Selvom det ikke er en navngivet person der er citeret, tvivler jeg ikke på at Adam Riley fra Cubed3 er ærlig omkring dette. Og det er slet ikke unormalt at mange oplysninger kommer frem ved diverse snakke, sådan nogle steder. Hele artiklen der omhandler julefesten er i øvrig sjov at læse. Så har du lyst til at kaste dig over denne, så findes den lige her.

1ups givet


#1 - Nismo_DK

Level: 1 (Goomba)

09-09-2005 13:41

det skal bare komme Revolution Smiley
1ups givet

#2 - J3pseN

Level: 8 (Pirahna Plant)

09-09-2005 15:01

Jes!!! Lækker at få af vide! Smiley
1ups givet

#3 - Morztan

Level: 1 (Goomba)

09-09-2005 15:04

Håber det er sandt, og at cube-udgaven bliver ekstra lækker og sprød Smiley

1ups givet

#4 - Silmon

Level: 1 (Goomba)

09-09-2005 15:57

revo-udgaven Smiley
1ups givet

#5 - dustman

Level: 2 (Keese)

09-09-2005 22:35

fedt tidspunkt at holde julefest
1ups givet