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Retro Studios pitchede et Star Fox-spil til Wii U

Retro Studios pitchede et Star Fox-spil til Wii U

Skrevet af JOEP - 06-02-2023 19:58

Der har været megen mystisk omkring udviklerstudiet Retro Studios, der har stået bag Metroid Prime-serien samt de to Donkey Kong Country Returns-spil - men udover det har de ikke udgivet noget, hvilket har givet grobund for rigtig meget spekulation. Vi hørte sidste år om to aflyste projekter, Heroes of Hyrule og Metroid Tactics, men de havde endnu et projekt, som de ikke fik lov til at arbejde på - denne gang er det et Star Fox-spil, men ikke det rygtede Star Fox Grand Prix, nej, en decideret efterfølger til Lylat Wars til Nintendo 64. Did You Know Gaming har talt med Eric Kozlowsky, der var med til at pitche idéen - og du ser indslaget her:

I kommentarfeltet kan du få et hurtigt overblik over, hvad spillet ville indeholde.

Hvad tænker du om Retro Studios? Er hypen omkring dem ved at være død?

1ups givet


#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

06-02-2023 19:59

NintendoEverything har givet et referat af indholdet i punktform:

– Art style would have been like the puppet aesthetic seen in the series’ early promo images
– Would have continued where Star Fox 64 ended in terms of story and gameplay
– Fox would never get out of his ship
– Following the defeat of Andross, general Pepper realizes that Corneria and the Lylat System need to be rebuilt
– War with Andross left the Cornerian government with a lack of resources needed to rebuild the military and civilian sectors
– Pepper hires Star Fox, and their mission is to search nearby systems for allies and resources
– Fox and his crew will discover a threat even more imposing than Andross
– Intended to combine classic Star Fox 64 gameplay with new open world and multiplayer mechanics
– Single-player would have players taking on missions aboard the Great Fox and travel to planets, sectors, installations, and asteroid belts to complete them
– Earn money that can be given to Corneria, upgrade your ships, or buy new ones like the Land Master tank and Blue Marine submarine
– Choose how many resources to send back to aid in Corneria’s reconstruction and how much to keep for yourself
– Optional side quest missions planned that would lean into the more mercenary angle
– Less linear and more of a mission-based structure
– Fox can walk around the various decks in what amounts to an interactive menu
– GamePad would emulate a ship’s control panel with info about current mission, which parts damaged by enemy damage
– For co-op, player 1 would use a Wii Remote and nunchuck while player 2 would use the GamePad to be the ship’s gunner with a 360 degree view, repair and control shields
– Could play online with a friend or a group to complete missions in multiple ships
– Battle mode planned with dogfights
– “Armada” name comes into play since it encourages you to build up your own squadron
– Could design your own anthropomorphic characters
– Game would have other online players dropping down on you like with Star Wolf showing up in Star Fox 64, but this was optional
– DLC intended with new ships, missions, planets over time

1ups givet

#2 - AND

Level: 35 (Lakitu)

07-02-2023 06:40

Er hypen død? NEJ! Smiley

Fem blændende gode spiludgivelser eksklusivt til Nintendo. De har i den grad overtaget Rares rolle som bedste second party udvikler de sidste tyve år.

Men det er længe siden sidste udgivelse og der har været en del udskiftning i studiet, så kvaliteten af Prime 4 bliver selvfølgelig ekstra spændende at se. Kan Retro stadig holde det tårnhøje niveau eller er de blevet lidt et andet studie i de mellemliggende år?Smiley
1ups givet