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Revolution-spil i sort-hvid!

Skrevet af BonusNinja - 12-04-2006 02:49

ANM melder i dag at den kommende Revolution-titel Sadness, fra firmaet NIBRIS, vil være i sort-hvide farver! Dette lyder umiddelbart meget mærkeligt, men det passer vist meget godt til den type spil, som Sadness vil være. Det vil nemlig være et gothic-horror-spil, som ifølge den seneste pressebesked fra NIBIRS, vil skræmme livet af dig!

En NIBRIS-ansat udtaler følgende: “We decided to follow Nintendo’s path, which definitely fights the stagnation which has occurred in video games, and creates new trends. With this move, we want to create a unique environment, which is only available in Sadness.”

Herunder har vi en pressemeddelelse omkring Sadness samt en pressemeddelelse omkring NIBRIS' kommende shooter-spil Raid Over the River, som kommer til Nintendo DS.
Helt nederst har vi vedlagt et stykke artwork fra Sadness.

Sadness (working title)

Category: Horror

Platform: Revolution

Date of Release: 2007 (tentative)

“…In my head there is a voice, different from the others. Whenever it answers it overwhelms the remaining voices, it mixes up thoughts and destroys peace. It tells me that I’m only mixed up in a thought which yearns to prove its own existence. The voice which whispers that I’m not really who I am and the perceived reality is only an abstraction created by my own mind. It is the original voice, which wants to free itself from my head, to free itself from the logic and reason it is being stifled by. The voice of animal endurance at all costs, which forces into unimaginable things. It is the voice of chaos which is now screaming frightfully in my head for me to take an axe resting against the wall and cut off my father’s head.”
~Maria Lengyel

The study of fear and the borders of human imagination… A trip to the darkest corners of consciousness, in all of us… A trip to the hell of the subconscious and not necessarily to return…

This gothic-horror (atmosphere) is not the an action game. If you’re counting on shooting, liters of blood and piles of dead bodies then unfortunately you won’t find this here. We are preparing for a mood which will not leave you until the very end of the game. An irregular scenario decides on such issues as schizophrenia or narcolepsy. Apart from an extremely complex and rich-in-shoc-factor scenario, the power of our production is an innovative use of the Revolution controller. Imagine driving away rats with a torch, throwing a rope (as a lasso) when you want to climb over the wall, or slitting the throat of a persecutor with a piece of glass… All of this with the help of the Revolution controller. And this is only the beginning… We’ll take you
on a journey to which no one has taken you before. The only question is are you ready to experience it?

Attention! Game only for adult players with strong nerves.


Raid Over the River (working title)

Category – Shooter

Platform – DS

Release Date – 2006

A game is arriving which will not only change the way you look at action
games, but games in general.

In few productions which differ from one another, based on similar types of plot, our project is distinguished above all by the innovative scenario. From the very start, the player will be able to get involved in the fate of the hero he chooses to take control of. Let’s add a hero with skin and bones - who does not allow himself to be easily classified as good or bad, who has his weaknesses. A hero whose fate will interest everyone who gets to know the history of David McBride, who is definitely not a one-dimensional character. A representative of the “flying shooter” plays this and he is seen from a vertical projection. The scenario of the game throws us into 10 levels, where not only the terrains, missions or the historical realities change, but also time which introduces different vehicles and different methods of fighting. And all of this not only with an excellent audio-visual frame, but above all a wonderful atmosphere.

Not only the players have waited for such a position. This is a title thanks to which people who haven’t had a lot to do with game consoles will sit down to. The history of video games will divide into this one - before *Raid over the River* and after. You have in front of you a “breath of freshness” in the trade - one that everyone has been waiting

NIBRIS’s new logo


* Easy to master and opening great possibilities of manoeuvre, arcade, flight simulator
* Complex scenario with several plots
* Atmosphere of the sensational techno-thriller, behind-the-scene activities and effective fighting on the battlefield
* A dozen or so hours of pure action
* 10 levels in changing scenarios, times of day and weather conditions
* 3 epochs – medieval times, World War II and the near future - with a completely different style of game, connected with an alternative history of the world
* 2 different groups of vehicles with completely different characteristics and style of game
* Tens of diverse types of armament and gadgets specially designed for the needs of the game
* Easy to master, extremely demanding to finish
* Simulator-like tactical elements, in the form of choosing gear and completing it, as well as petrol throughout the game, or taking into account the relief during battle.

1ups givet


#1 - NINJA

Level: 1 (Goomba)

12-04-2006 10:24

STrange ~_~
1ups givet

#2 - Zøvnig

Level: 20 (Moblin)

12-04-2006 13:40

Vi har efterhånden hørt en del om disse projekter. Tror jeg skal se screenshots eller video klips fra spillene snart, hvis jeg skal tro på de har gang i op til flere så store projekter, med så lille et team af medarbejdere.
1ups givet

#3 - AND

Level: 35 (Lakitu)

12-04-2006 14:42

1ups givet

#4 - AND

Level: 35 (Lakitu)

12-04-2006 14:47

Det er faktisk utroligt så meget introen til Sadness minder om det Black Romance-stof som Edgar Poe har skrevet... Vildt mand...
1ups givet

#5 - BonusNinja

Level: 5 (Cheep)

12-04-2006 19:01

Jeg tror, det kommer til at give spillet en helt anden dybde eller en ekstra dimension ved at det bliver i sort-hvid.
1ups givet

#6 - ッVideoGamer™

Level: 1 (Goomba)

12-04-2006 23:08

1ups givet