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Star Wars Pinball annonceret til Switch

Skrevet af JOEP - 12-04-2019 10:50

Så er der godt nyt til dem derude, der måtte være fans af Star Wars og pinball-maskiner, for Zen Studios har netop annonceret Star Wars Pinball til Nintendo Switch, som er sat til at udkomme den 13. september i år. Spillet understøtter HD Rumble og vertikal spil, og indeholder nogle Switch-eksklusive spiltyper såsom Career Mode. Du kan se en trailer for det her, og læse den officielle pressemeddelelse nedenfor:

The Star Wars Pinball Nintendo Switch collection will offer unique gameplay modes only available on the console. Players can participate in a community-wide Galactic Struggle, which allows them to contribute points to the light or dark side, depending on their preference. Likewise, a new Career mode allows Star Wars fans to join the ranks of the Jedi or Sith as they achieve up to 50 Career Ranks, and simply playing any table unlocks special Force Power bonuses that can be applied toward bigger scores. Simply playing any table unlocks special Force Power bonuses that can be applied toward bigger scores, and a Force Training mode will help pinball Padawans maximize their potential.

Star Wars fans of all generations will enjoy tables centered around adapting movie and TV show content, iconic characters, memorable locations, and general Star Wars themes:

– Movies Adaptations: Episodes IV, V, VI, VII and VIII, plus Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Solo: A Star Wars Story
TV Adaptations: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels
– Characters: Han Solo, Darth Vader, Lando Calrissian in The Calrissian Chronicles table, Boba Fett, Droids
– Locations: Ahch-To Island, Mimban (Battle of Mimban)
– Themes: Jedi vs. Sith (Masters of the Force), X-wings vs. TIE fighters (Starfighter Assault), being the bad guy (Might of the First Order)

Er du Star Wars Pinball-fan?

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#1 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

18-07-2019 20:09

I tilfælde af, at nyheden her ikke slog det fast, så har Zen Studios indgået et samarbejde med Koch Media, som sørger for at udgive spillet med dets 19 borde fysisk her i Europa eksklusivt på Switch.

Det skulle nu være muligt at forudbestille det digitalt såvel som fysisk.
1ups givet