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UPDATE - Første billeder fra Revolution-spil!

UPDATE - Første billeder fra Revolution-spil!

Skrevet af BonusNinja - 07-04-2006 23:33

Ubisoft er ved at udvikle et Revolution-spil med titlen Red Steel. Denne måneds udgave af Game Informer har billeder fra spillet. Dette er altså de første billeder fra et Revolution-spil.

Billederne kan findes herinde: http://www.armleg.com

UPDATE - Mere info:
Det drejer sig altså om et eksklusivt first-person shooter-spil til Nintendo Revolution, hvor både pistoler og sværd vil blive taget i brug. Man vil fx kunne lade sit våben ved at bevæge controlleren bagud. Game Informer-artiklen nævner også at split-screen og planer for online multiplayer modes er ved at blive lagt.

Vi har her noget af det som bliver skrevet i Game Informer. (Tag forbehold for skrivefejl):

“At their best , video games are about immersion . players shouldnt feel like they are observing the action onscreen, they should be figuratively transported into a different world.

Your avitar’s life should become your life, and its adventures should be your adventure. The controller in a player’s hands should transcend its role as a mere interface device; it should become the weapon that you see onscreen. Most games try to push immersion with better graphics, more intense action , or overwhelming sound. but one upcoming console is doing something different , trying a new way to make that controller in your hand become something more. that console is the Nintendo Revolution.

With the unveiling of the Revolution’s motion based controller, most gamers envisioned the kaleidoscope of unique ideas that nintendo would use it for. but while the gaming public was preoccupied with demos of cooking and fishing games, one developer asked itself the question of how the revolution could be used to take a familiar genre to the next level.this company wanted to figure out how to use its unique controller not to develop an entirely new type of game, but to elevate an already-popular style. that company is ubisoft, and the answer to its self-imposed challenge is the revolution launch title known as red steel.

It is highly unusual for a company like nintendo to allow the exclusive first look at one of its consoles through a 3rd party game like red steel.but as it turns out , nintendo has been closely involved in the development of this game, and has great confidence that it is a perfect way to introduce the world to revolution . developed by ubisoft paris , one of the publishers oldest and most experienced teams , red steel is a mixture of old and new: a fps that that uses the revolutions controller for aiming - and much more. while nintendo obviously has several games in development for the revolution launch , the company simply doesnt make games like red steel , so letting a respected publisher like ubisoft introduce the revolution through an easy -to - understand game type allows both companies to demonstrate what they do best ..”

Herunder fortælles der lidt om hvor let det er at styre i spillet:

"The longer we played with it the more natural if felt, and the more quickly we mowed down the targets. strafing around the targets is incredibly easy, as keeping the controller pointed at the object, while you move around with the analog stick keeps you focused on the target. aim felt similar to using a computer mouse, as it is possible to quickly explore every direction in a three dimension space with quick gestures."

Her kan man læse lidt om spillets historie. Der fortælles også om at man vil få mere ud af at overmande en bossfjende og skåne hans liv i stedet for at dræbe ham. Fjenden vil få respekt for dig og give dig et våben eller noget andet brugbart.
Der fortælles også at Red Steel primært vil have langdistancekamp med pistoler og deslige, men man kommer også til at kæmpe i nærkamp:

Not to assign any personality to the main character. You are the hero in Red Steel and this is your adventure. The only backstory to the protagonist is that he is an american male who is engaged to a Japanese American woman name Myu. On the night that you are supposed to meet Myu’s father for the first time, she is kidnapped from the posh Los Angeleles restaurant you’re dining in. You quickly learn that her father is a Yakuza boss named Sato, who is in possesion of an important ceremonial katana. A younger, more ruthless Yakuza faction led by a man called Tokal attempted to steal the sword from Sato to shift the balance of power within the organization. Sato thwarted the attempt to steal the sword, but was mortally wounded in the attack.
Tokal’s men kidnap Myu in response, hoping to trade her life for the sword. But Sato refuses to hand over the sword to Toakl, instead giving it to you, with the instructions to use it to find his daughter. Sato dies soon after diving you the sword, leaving you all alone and untrained against Tokal’s men. Armed with the katana and a selection of firearms, you myst follow Myu to Japan and defeat Tokal, but first you must gain the skills necessary to confront him.

According to — the first third of the game will be more brutal by necessity. When you are first learning to use the Revolution controller, you will be less precise and — (blurry and cuts off)

A series of headshots, it is often more beneficial to take a non-lethal shot, such as shooting a gun out of an enemy’s hands. I mnay situtations, there wil be a higher-ranking enemy who commands the others in the area. By defeating him and sparing
his life, he will offer you his respect and help. The enemies he commands will surrender their guns and the boss may offer you a new weapon, a special path through the level, or other reward. Any time you spare an enemy, you will be rewarded.
as it always takes more skill to spare a life than to take it.

Freeze (may not be freeze) shot adds a lot of depth to the gunplay and is a natural fit for the Revolution controller,
but isn’t the only way that Red Steel adds spice to the combat. After all, why would you carry a sword through a game if you couldn’t use it? Although the majority of Red Steel’s gameplay will stress ranged combat, there will be times you need to get up
close and personal. You can switch to the sword at any time, and if you can get close enougn toan enemy, you can use it for on-hit stealth kills. In other moments, you’ll find yourself locked into intense one-on-one sword duels. Any time you take on
an enemy with a sword of his own, you’ll need to take yours out right away, or his blade will make short work of you. Swinging the Revolution controller in front of you, you will see the sword onscreen(cut off)

Annonceringen på Game Informers website kan findes her, og vedlagt herunder, er et billede af forside-coveret som også kan ses på websitet.

1ups givet



#1 - Silmon

Level: 1 (Goomba)

07-04-2006 23:37

jeg må indrømme at jeg tror mindre og mindre på ideen. Ser snarere på det som en gimmick allá donkey kong trommerne.
1ups givet

#2 - KOS-MOS

Level: 2 (Keese)

07-04-2006 23:39

wow ser jo meget godt ud... Smiley
1ups givet

#3 - BonusNinja

Level: 5 (Cheep)

07-04-2006 23:48

Lidt svært at se, men det ser da ikke ligefrem dårligt ud.
1ups givet

#4 - Zøvnig

Level: 20 (Moblin)

08-04-2006 07:09

Det er virkelig stort det her Smiley Skal se om ikke jeg kan få fat i det blad når det udkommer Smiley Ubisoft har heldigvis altid supportet Nintendo Smiley
1ups givet

#5 - Morztan

Level: 1 (Goomba)

08-04-2006 07:13

Spændende! De første IN-GAME billeder af et Revolution-spil. En stor dag i dag! Smiley
1ups givet

#6 - Morztan

Level: 1 (Goomba)

08-04-2006 07:31

En lidt interessant kommentar jeg læste på en anden side:

"Red Steel = Nintendo RS..."

Mon ikke vores næste konsol kommer til at hedde dette?
1ups givet

#7 - NINJA

Level: 1 (Goomba)

08-04-2006 11:52

Nintendo Røv Sparker
1ups givet

#8 - AND

Level: 35 (Lakitu)

08-04-2006 11:59

Silmon, jeg er helt enig.
1ups givet

#9 - Morztan

Level: 1 (Goomba)

08-04-2006 12:09

@ and

10 mod 1 på at den vil sætte standarden for controllere, og om under 2 år vil MS og Sony have kopieret ideen.
1ups givet

#10 - Kurt

Level: 1 (Goomba)

08-04-2006 13:30

Morztan. Jeg tror at du har ret. De to firmaer har efteraber næsten alt fra Nintendo til deres egen fordel. fx. rumblefunktion, skulderknapper og at man kan spille op til 4 personer samtidlig og meget mere. det er standardudstyr i PS2 xbox360. det skulle ikke undre mig at de to firmaer også tager REVOs kontroller sammen med alt det andet som de har kopieret fra nintendo. Men jeg tror at der går lidt længere tid end 2 år før at Sony og MS kopier REVOs kontroller til deres fremtidens spillemaskine.

1ups givet

#11 - Moses

Level: 3 (Koopa-Troopa)

08-04-2006 17:22

det ser rigtig godt du faktisk bedre end håbet Smiley
der går korter tid end to år jeg har lige læste at
sony har droppet der controller så må vi se hvad det bringer Smiley
1ups givet