Skrevet 11-07-2014 00:58 - Redigeret 18-02-2015 14:33
#16 - Skrevet 31-08-2014 12:34
Jeg tænker, selvom jeg ved jeg kommer til at købe den NYE 3DS XL alligevel, vil jeg nok hellere købe Wii-versionen for 400 kr.#17 - Skrevet 31-08-2014 14:47
Det tror jeg også er bedst Wii versionen ser bedst ud.#18 - Skrevet 31-08-2014 15:00
Et spørgsmål til jer der har spillet. Hvilken controller foretrækker i når i spiller Xenoblade? (Classic Controller vs Wii Remote + Nunchuk)#19 - Skrevet 31-08-2014 15:21
Ærlig talt er jeg lidt ligeglad. Jeg kan bedre lidt at have en controller i hånden, når jeg spiller sådan nogen spil, men det er muligt med en Wiimote og Nunchuk, sådan spillede jeg i 25 timer indtil jeg ved tilfælde fik fat i en Pro Classic Controller.#20 - Skrevet 31-08-2014 16:12 - Redigeret 31-08-2014 16:13
I princippet er wiimote+chuck bedre fordi du kan bevæge dig mens du skifter angreb (d-pad på højre hånd i stedet for venstre), men det virker helt fint med classic controller.#21 - Skrevet 31-08-2014 19:16
Forsøgte mig med begge dele, og kunne generelt bedst lide classic controlleren!#22 - Skrevet 31-08-2014 23:22
Jeg har faktisk et eksemplar af Xenoblade Chronicles, som jeg endnu ikke har fået taget hul på, og det samme gælder Pandora's Tower og The Last Story. Burde nok få dem alle spillet igennem på et tidspunkt..#23 - Skrevet 01-09-2014 18:04
Har lige fået bestilt Xenoblade Chronicles som en (meget) tidlig fødslesdagsgave!!! TAK MAMMA!!#24 - Skrevet 12-11-2014 11:22
Der vil være online elementer i spilletIn the latest developer blog post, Monlith shared a brief update on how they recently opened the website without asking Nintendo, which ended up being fine by the publishers; however, they soon faced a different problem: they underestimated how many hits the website would get.
Monolith didn’t anticipate the vast number of fans that would visited the newly-opened site, and as a result, had to deal with an overload, and figure out new server rental plans with the site’s host.
According to Monolith, the problem was mainly attributed to the number of people that downloaded the theme song on the front page, and also due to those that kept listening to it on loop. To fix the problem, they’ve decided to turn off the loop and lower the bit rate for the track.
Finally, at the end of their blog post, they teased, “Huh? Online elements? Of course [the game] will have some!”.
<a href="">Kilde</a>
Tør man håbe på onlie co-op?
#25 - Skrevet 12-11-2014 12:33
Én eller anden form for Monster Hunter agtig ting ville være fableagtigt, især fordi jeg langt bedre kan lide Xenoblades kampsystem.#26 - Skrevet 20-11-2014 14:49
Det lader til, at spillet snart er færdig, så udgivelsen er måske ikke SÅ langt væk - i Japan.Xenoblade Chronicles X Executive Director Tetsuya Takahashi of Monolith Soft recently spoke more about the upcoming Wii U title on Twitter, about how he wanted to create something a little more sci-fi using Xenoblade as a base. Today, he updated with a few more tidbits about the game’s current status.
“This is a continuation of our my previous talk,” Takahashi noted.
He continued: “The development [of Xenoblade Chronicles X] did have its twists and turns, but we were able to finish up (just a little more until it’s complete) Xenoblade Chronicles X in the sci-fi world we aimed for from the beginning in a seamless open-world with online play, and I feel that we were able to overcome several obstacles as far as game development goes.”
“With the vast world that was shown when Iwata-san introduced the game in the Nintendo Direct the other day, it would bring me great pleasure to have you folks get to thoroughly explore it.”
Xenoblade Chronicles X will release in Japan in Spring 2015, and sometime in 2015 for North America and Europe for Wii U.
<a href="">Kilde</a>
#27 - Skrevet 20-11-2014 15:19 - Redigeret 20-11-2014 15:21
Nej altså de skal sgu nok nå en forårsudgivelse Jeg er dog lidt spændt på, om de når at få Xenoblade Chronicles til 3DS ud inden da. Har vi nogen dato på det... eller?#28 - Skrevet 19-01-2015 23:36
Sidste Tweet oversat af NeoGAF gør mig varm indeni!"My name's Shingo Kawahata, and I'm the producer for Xenoblade X. I apologize for the sudden introduction. Starting today, Mr. Takahashi won't be the only one using this account. Several other Monolift Soft staffers will be tweeting from time to time, and I'm first up to bat.
It's already been five years since we released Xenoblade. I know we've kept you waiting for quite some time but, to be honest, it's felt like a pretty long time for us developers, too. The localization is making great progress, and I can proudly say that this game will be well worth the wait. The release is right around the corner, so get ready!"
Naturligvis er det i fed nok gældende for Japan, men alligevel... Wauw! Sommer udgivelse i Japan?
Og 'localization is making great progress', det lyder super! Det tager naturligvis enormt lang tid at lokalisere et spil af sådan størrelse, så jeg ved snart ikke, om vi først får det til vinter, men det ville virke dumt ift. Zelda. Jeg håber på en efterårsudgivelse!
#29 - Skrevet 19-01-2015 23:39
Det udkommer d. 29. April i Japan.#30 - Skrevet 02-02-2015 15:39
Der kommer en japansk præsentation af spillet om nogle dage: