Skrevet af JOEP - 10-07-2019 06:17
Hver måned opdateres Nintendo Switch Online-medlemsskabet med nye spil til NES Online-app'en, og denne måned byder på to spil: The Wrecking Crew and Donkey Kong 3, og de udkommer på app'en den 17. juli. Det har Nintendo i nat meldt ud. Ingen af dem får specielle udgaver i denne omgang. Du kan se en trailer for dem her:
Wrecking Crew – In the days before Mario and Luigi became sports stars in their downtime from saving the princess, they tried their hands as one-man wrecking crews. With a hammer as their only tool, take control of the brothers and set out to destroy ladders, rip out pipes, knock out walls and detonate explosive devices. But make sure to plan your path of destruction carefully, as each building is designed as its own clever puzzle.
Donkey Kong 3 – Based on the third game in the enormously popular arcade series, Donkey Kong 3 introduces an exterminator named Stanley as he desperately tries to protect the flowers in his greenhouse from Donkey Kong. Armed only with a can of bug spray, Stanley must force Donkey Kong higher and higher into the greenhouse rafters until Donkey Kong is off the screen and the next stage is reached.
Udover disse to spil, udkommer der også en spoleknap, så du kan spole tilbage i spillet når som helst. Det er især nyttigt, hvis du dør, men ikke gider starte forfra. Du aktiverer det ved at trykke på ZL og ZR samtidig, og du kan se en lille trailer for det her:
#1 - Krisp
Level: 18 (Twhomp)
10-07-2019 07:40
Jeg troede faktisk at spole funktionen allerede var der, der kan man bare se.#2 - Andreas Tarding
Level: 18 (Twhomp)
10-07-2019 10:27
Hmm. Om hele sagen med NES Online ift. Virtual Console, egentlig -#3 - Krisp
Level: 18 (Twhomp)
11-07-2019 07:27
#2: Jeg tror de trækker den så langt som muligt, før de smider SNES spil på maskinen. Folk spekulerer lidt i at de vil smide SNES spil på online servicen, når det 1. år er gået, så dem der var first movers med at abonnere på Nintendo Online, får en god grund til at beholde deres abonnement.#4 - JOEP
Level: 50 (Torizo)
17-07-2019 10:46
Så er der opdateret, og der kom en SP-version af Mighty Bomb Jack:In this special version of Mighty Bomb Jack, you start on the final zone, round 17. In the second half of the zone, based on the number of crystal balls and secret coins you’ve collected, the number of rooms will change – along with the ending itself! In this version, you already meet the conditions necessary to view the best of the four possible endings. But first you must save the king, the queen, and the princess, and then clear the final room to return peace to the world.