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Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town annonceret - kommer 23. marts

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town annonceret - kommer 23. marts

Skrevet af JOEP - 28-10-2020 16:13

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town blev i dag annonceret under Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase. Spillet står til udgivelse den 23. marts 2021, og er et helt nyt indspark i Story of Seasons-serien. Efter Direct'en blev der udgivet en trailer for spillet, som viser det frem i hele sin herlighed - traileren finder du her:

Ser du frem til mere Story of Seasons?

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#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

28-10-2020 16:16


Inspired by tales of their grandfather’s pioneering days, the protagonist decides to pack their bags and leave the hustle and bustle of big city life for the frontier in Olive Town.

When they arrive, they run into Victor, the town’s mayor and their grandfather’s old friend. He brings them to the old farm, which has been reclaimed by nature over the years. Determined to breathe life back into their grandfather’s dream and follow in his footsteps, the protagonist rolls up their sleeves and gets to work.

Olive Town—which is just a stone’s throw away from the farm—is a port town built on the tip of a peninsula. It might be a quiet little town, but it is home to a whole host of unique characters. And while the townsfolk get by well enough in this picturesque seaside locale, a little more tourism never hurt anyone…

The long-awaited brand new entry in the original farm/life simulation franchise, known in Japan as Bokujo Monogatari, makes its debut on Nintendo Switch, bringing players more freedom than ever before to shape an untamed wilderness and customize their farm down to the very tile. A new cast of marriage candidates, a town that grows and thrives along with your farm, and a request system highlight the new features, all while retaining the core elements of the STORY OF SEASONS series. Finding Earth Sprites while exploring your farmland may lead you to mysterious, fantastical lands such as gardens where the seasons never change, an island in the sky, or even the inside of a volcano!


-Cultivate Your Farm, Cultivate Your Town

Tame the wilderness of the peninsula and build your farm from the ground up! Gather and process materials to fulfill requests and improve Olive Town’s infrastructure, upgrade tools, or commission new outfits and accessories.

-Simple Mechanics, Deep Gameplay

Greenhorn farmers can rest easy with the return of Seedling Mode and Normal Mode. Veteran players ready to create a bustling farm of their own will find familiar features and facilities with new twists on classic gameplay elements.

-A Farm of Endless Possibilities

Clear the land, repair old facilities, and place new ones wherever you see fit. Level up your farming skills and craft a variety of decorations and facilities, from fences and automatic feeders for livestock to sprinklers for crops!

-There’s Always Something Going on in Olive Town!

Participate in local festivals as the town comes to life with over 200 unique events! Get to know your neighbors better and you may even find love with a special someone among them.

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#2 - Spitzann

Level: 5 (Cheep)

28-10-2020 17:49

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#3 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

28-10-2020 19:53

Så er der kommet trailer!
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#4 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

13-11-2020 06:11

Ny japansk trailer udsendt:

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