Yggdrasil Labyrinth
Skrevet af Matthias Aurelian - 01-09-2006 18:28
Spilfirmaet planlægger nu at udgive DS-spillet Yggdrasil Labyrinth i USA, hvilket fører spillet et skridt nærmere os. I USA, vil spillet udkomme i første kvartal af 2007, under navnet Etrian Odyssey.
Spillet er et udforsknings first-person RPG, som tager udgangspunkt i landet Etria, hvor jagten på rigdom og ære udspringer. Den øverste skærm vil vise førstepersonsvinklen af området som man er i, mens den nederste skærm indeholder et oversigtskort der kan tilpasses efter ønske, og hjælpe en til at finde skattene og undgå blindgyder.
Derudover vil man være i stand til at vælge hvilken stand sin karakter skal have, som f.eks. warlock, alchemist, medic, templar, og dark hunter, med hver deres specialer. Derudover vil man kunne have op til 20 andre karakterer under sig, samt 4 andre karakterer i sit hold.
Spillet udfolder sig i en flot 3-D grafik, med tur baseret kamp, og meget mere.
Atlus U.S.A. annoncerede i en pressemeddelese i dag, at de bekræfter udgivelsen af spillet i USA.
Pressemeddelelsen kan læses her nedenfor, og desuden har i nogle screenshot at kigge på herunder.
Press Release:
[i]Atlus U.S.A., Inc., a leading publisher of interactive entertainment, today announced the acquisition of the North American publishing rights to Etrian Odyssey, a ground-breaking RPG for the Nintendo DS known as Sekaiju no Meikyuu in Japan.
Directed by Kazuya Niinou (Trauma Center: Under the Knife), with story design by Shigeo Komori (Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner) and sound design by the legendary Yuzo Koshiro (Actraiser, Streets of Rage), Etrian Odyssey is currently scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2007.
“This game revitalizes the classic spirit of exploration and adventure for a new platform and a new audience,” said Nich Maragos, project lead of Etrian Odyssey for Atlus USA. “The hand-drawn map feature along with the lush graphics will make gamers want to get lost in the striking forest world of Etria.”
Etrian Odyssey has not yet been rated by the ESRB; an E10+ or T rating is expected.
About Etrian Odyssey
In a vast and fertile land lies a small town known as Etria, a peaceful village that became famous for a startling discovery. A crack in the vast forest opened at Etria’s edge, leading downward like a gaping maw. It all began there…
Those who hear rumors of the labyrinth of Etria, whether young or old, begin to harbor dreams of exploring it.
Riches… fame… prestige… all that and one more thing does the labyrinth promise: the true spirit of adventure, on the perilous edge of death.
Today, like any other day in the new Etria, a youth walks through the town gates…
Etrian Odyssey Key Features
• Make your own maps with the Touch Screen! Plot your progress through the labyrinth, drawing walls and placing icons to note special events, treasure chests, doors, pits, stairs, and landmarks.
• Nine character classes! Create a woodland survivalist, shield-bearing templar, whip-wielding dark hunter, or any of a half-dozen other types. Populate an adventurer’s guild with up to 20 characters!
• Turn-based strategic combat! Acquire and collect more than 20 battle skills for your adventuring party of five characters.
• All-star production staff! Direction by Kazuya Niinou (Trauma Center: Under the Knife), story design by Shigeo Komori (Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner), and sound design by Yuzo Koshiro (Actraiser, Streets of Rage).
• Beautiful 3D graphics! Say goodbye to the dank, gray corridors of past dungeon RPGs as you step into warm, inviting, forest environments rendered in an original 3D engine.[/i]