Skrevet af JOEP - 09-11-2021 15:05
Da Switch udkom i 2017 var den allerede dengang mindre kraftig end de eksisterende konsoller, men grundet sin hybrid-form var det ikke helt det, der blev fokuseret på, og siden da har vi da også modtaget nogle imponerende spil til konsollen. Nu er Switch nået fem år ind i sit liv, og mange håber måske på en ny udgave eller konsol inden alt for længe - men Nintendo har under en investor Q&A meldt ud, at de anser Switch som at være nået halvvejs i sin livscyklus:
We are not able to comment about the next game system at this time. It is now the fifth year since the launch of Nintendo Switch, and the total hardware sell-through has exceeded 90 million units. We recognize that the system is at the mid-point of its lifecycle. The launch of Nintendo Switch – OLED Model has also been contributing to continued sales momentum and we are now offering consumers three Nintendo Switch models to match their play styles and lifestyles, as well as a wide range of software. With this, we believe a foundation for growth has been laid that exceeds what we previously considered to be a conventional hardware lifecycle.
With regards to the next game system, we are considering many different things, but as far as the concept and launch timing are concerned, there is nothing we can share at this time.
Som du nok også kunne læse, kigger de også på forskellige muligheder for den næste konsol.
Ydermere kommenterer Nintendo også på chip-manglen og fokuserer nu i stedet for på software frem for hardware:
Furukawa: Since the start of this fiscal year, we have continually said that semiconductor components are in short supply and the future is uncertain. There has not been a major improvement in the situation so far, which is why we do not think we can produce hardware in the quantities we initially expected and have revised our unit sales forecast for the second half. However, even though hardware supplies might be limited, there has not been any impact on software sales. We will continue to share the appeal of new and evergreen titles with consumers through the end of this year and into next year. By maximizing our software sales as much as possible, we aim to maintain the momentum of the Nintendo Switch business. We are reviewing our unit sales forecast for the next fiscal year and beyond, so we would like to revisit that topic once we reach the point where we can make specific announcements.
Shiota: To mitigate the effects of the tight supply situation for semiconductor components, those working on Nintendo Switch hardware development are also continuing to take measures such as evaluating alternative components and reviewing our designs.
Miyamoto: With so many consumers worldwide having already bought a Nintendo Switch, the situation has not had any major effects on software development. In addition, hardware is not an issue for our mobile business or our visual content business.
Hvornår mener du, Nintendo bør komme med en Switch 2?
#1 - JOEP
Level: 50 (Torizo)
09-11-2021 15:06
Hele rapporten kan læses her:#2 - anistorian
Level: 2 (Keese)
09-11-2021 15:35
Glæder mig til at se, hvad næste konsol kan indebære.