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*Rygte* Force feedback i controlleren

Skrevet af BonusNinja - 26-04-2006 14:21

I et radiointerview mellem Dennis Talbot (en canadisk show biz-personlighed) og Nintendo of Canadas Director of Marketing, Pierre-Paul Trepanier, bliver der tilsyneladende afsløret, at Revolutions controller vil have en form for force feedback indbygget, altså en slags feature der yder modstand eller måske endda gør at controlleren ryster i bestemte situationer. Der er ingen detaljer om hvordan det virker. Rygter om at controlleren har en såkaldt ”haptic” force feedback-feature, har været ude i noget tid nu.

Der bliver også nævnt at en dato for DS Lites lancering i USA, vil blive afsløret om 1-2 uger, men ”det afhænger helt af det japanske marked.” Husk på at dette er et rygte, og endnu ikke officielt bekræftet.

Her er et afskrift af interviewet (R-T står for for Radio – Talbot):

NoC: “It looks like a small television remote, very easy to use, very small and wireless.”

R-T: “Is there any force feedback in it?”

NoC: “Yes there’s feedback in it even though it is wireless, we will show more at E3. Before in our wireless controllers, we didn’t put feedback because of battery life problems but now we have found a way to do it without lowering the battery life of the remote.”

R-T: “Everyone who talked with me at Radio-Talbot said it was an amazing controller. For example if we want to fly a plane, we could put it upside down and use it like a joystick”

NoC: “Exactly! There’s plenty of possibilities and we will see much more of them at e3. We measure a lot of things with the revmote. For example the axis X, Y and the distance with the screen. Also it measures angle, so if you twist the controller, the information is sent to the system. Even before pressing any buttons, the system already has an idea of what the player will do”

R-T: “So that means there will be some sort of thing to place on the tv?”

NoC: “It is to be confirmed, but I’m pretty sure it (the revolution) needs some sensors near the television. This way the revolution will know where the remote is”

NoC: “Everytime the player makes a movement, the controller then sends the information to the system and it calculates everything, for the hardcore gamer it really immerses them into the game”
R-T: “I guess you can’t talk about how many games there will be at launch, or you don’t have that information? Or you simply can’t talk about it?”

NoC: “I can’t really say anything about this, I can only repeat what George Harrison from Nintendo of America said to Game Informer magazine, we will have around 20 games for the launch this Autumn”

R-T: “So when will the DS Lite be released in the USA”
NoC: “We will confirm this in 1 or 2 weeks, it really depends on the japaness market,…”
*some conversation*

NoC: “We are simply waiting for the demand to stop over there so we can gather enough stock from there to launch it here”

Interviewet kan hentes her i mp3-format. (Bemærk at de snakker fransk.)

1ups givet


#1 - Andreas

Level: 1 (Goomba)

26-04-2006 14:31

Jeg forstår ikk, hvis NoC siger alt det der hvorfor tvivler i så om det er sandt ?
1ups givet

#2 - BonusNinja

Level: 5 (Cheep)

26-04-2006 15:11

Tvivlen ligger også primært i om hvad der helt præcis bliver ment med "force feedback": Er det bare en normal rumble-feature, eller noget helt "nyt"? Lige nu vil jeg gå udfra at det er et rygte. Hvis der var tale om at Iwata eller en anden stor Nintendo-personlighed bekræftede dette ifølge en troværdig kilde, eller en kilde som jeg rent faktisk havde kendskab, så ville jeg erklære nyheden officiel.

Jeg har desuden postet et link til interviewet (på fransk). Smiley
1ups givet

#3 - Kaptajn Knudsen

Level: 1 (Goomba)

26-04-2006 15:39

rumble uden det bruger særlig meget batteri? spændende Smiley

Det mest spænende er vel om den kan rumble retningsbestemt Smiley
1ups givet

#4 - MegaGame

Level: 2 (Keese)

27-04-2006 00:02

force feedback kan man ikke få i noget der er frit i luften, ellers har nintendo opfundet en måde af påvirke tungekraften på*GG*

men rumble kan være god til lige af give det mere i shock når noget sker.
1ups givet

#5 - Mads_7

Level: 1 (Goomba)

27-04-2006 21:38

Hahaha! Det vil da se pisse komisk ud, hvis de indbyggede rumble funktion i Revolution controlleren. Hele billedet på skærmen ville jo ryste sammen med controlleren, hver gang! XS
1ups givet