Skrevet 27-09-2017 23:06 - Redigeret 12-02-2019 13:42
#16 - Skrevet 27-12-2020 16:16
Flere detaljer omkring Silksong kommer i næste udgave af EDGE:#17 - Skrevet 27-12-2020 16:46
ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅH, jeg er så klar på mere Silksong nyt!#18 - Skrevet 01-01-2021 14:10
Detaljer fra EDGE:– Hornet can travel faster and is more acrobatic than Knight
– Can mantle or clamber onto ledges as well
– Caves around Hornet have expanded to accommodate her height
– Team Cherry approached the enemy design differently since Hornet is a fast and competent fighter
– Cancel out of mantling animations to gain height faster
– Enemies are more complex
– One enemy disguises itself as a discarded skull
– Another enemy is like the Moss Charger, but has more legs and accelerates as it goes with more complex patterns
– Magic isn’t as prominent in Pharloom, but there are strange things happening like pilgrims involved with cult-like behavior
– Hollow Knight: Silksong starts out by getting players acclimated to old and new systems
– More varied areas to start out with, beginning in Moss Grotto and then going into the lava-moated ‘boneforest’ area, which was cut from the first game
– This plays host to the hub town of Bonebottom and the bell-lined tunnel known as The Marrow
– Many early enemies and falling hazards now give out two hits to the health bar
– Hornet can heal with Bind, an ability that uses the silk she gathers by hitting enemies to bandage wounds
– Three masks instead of one
– Team Cherry’s Ari Gibson: “… you spend more time either at full health or almost dead, and the gameplay is kind of snapping between those two states”
– You’ll come across strings of beads, and they can be broken at any point to use as currency
– While strung, you’ll keep the beads if you die; they’re like a banking system
– Some vendors will string beads up for you so that you can pay them a small amount and get them to put back onto strings
– There are around 100 different benches that come out of the floor when approached that act as save spots
– Difficulty intended to be around the same as the first Hollow Knight
– Those that haven’t played the first game can jump in here easily
– Hornet has tools that can be crafted or replenished at benches by using Shell Shards from enemies
– Pimpillo Bomb: area-of-effect blast
– Sting Shards: extend spikes in mid-air or when struck with a weapon
– Straight Pins: can be thrown like kunai
– Straight Pins can be modified to become Tri-Pins to throw three at once
– Hornet learns these tools and their modifications from Pharloom residents
– Hornet is a strong personality with a clear role, and she speaks
– Players will be able to see “a variety of strange places”
– Initial goal is to get to the Citadel, which is at the top of the world
– Hornet’s Crests: customizable, themed loadouts
– Hornet can take on different tasks for NPCs
– Keep track of tasks with noticeboards scattered throughout the world such as Bonebottom
– Tasks go along with the organically unfolding quest lines of the first game
– Tasks seem to involve combat challenges, finding secret locations, and more
– One task, “Gather” has players rounding up Mossberries and bringing them to the Druid of the Moss Temple
– Hollow Knight composer Christopher Larkin is back
– Hornet lost her traditional strength after time being bound in a cage, and is now sort of restoring it; the Weavers are helping her
– Silk Spear: get a superpowered forward lunge and cut through sticky web barriers; uses part of Hornet’s silk supply
– Last Judge: foe that fires rings of flame
Stadig ingen udgivelsesdato, men spillet kommer på Switch, når det er klar.
#19 - Skrevet 01-01-2021 21:31
Det bliver spændende, om de rent teknisk har kunnet portere det bedre til Switch, når det nu er udviklet fra bunden af denne gang.#20 - Skrevet 02-01-2021 09:49
Jeg spillede Hollow Knight en del docked (var på barsel), og det var ikke noget, jeg lagde mærke til.#21 - Skrevet 02-01-2021 13:37 - Redigeret 02-01-2021 13:39
Det bliver også først åbenlyst, når man sammenligner med udgaver, der reelt kører i 1080p, eks. PS4. Der er en vis objektiv skarphedsforskel. Det er også muligt, tallet er tættere på 900p, eller en slags intermediate - det ville jo være meget mærkeligt, -slet- ikke at op-resse, med 2,5x overclock'et, maskinen jo har tilgængelig som docked.#22 - Skrevet 05-01-2021 19:07
Der er lidt misinformation ude omkring Hollow Knight Silksongs udviklingsstadie - nogle medier rapporterer, at spillet er i de sidste faser af test, men stadig mangler udgivelsesdato, men det er taget fra udviklerens PR Manager, der snakker om, hvornår han mener, at man bør annoncere en udgivelsesdato:“You could say ‘we’ve finished all the content of the game and are in final testing,’ but even THAT doesn’t say anything about release schedule – my own personal philosophy is that you should not announce a release date until you have a build that could be released, and then you’re just giving yourself some time to fix additional bugs and market a game.”
Men det er altså ikke relateret til Silksong generelt.
#23 - Skrevet 10-05-2023 15:51
Lidt nyt om SIlksong!Hey gang, just a quick update about Silksong.
— Matthew Griffin (@griffinmatta) May 10, 2023
We had planned to release in the 1st half of 2023, but development is still continuing. We're excited by how the game is shaping up, and it's gotten quite big, so we want to take the time to make the game as good as we can.
#24 - Skrevet 02-04-2024 20:10
I går - 1. april - dukkede der pludselig lidt nyt om Silksong op på Xbox Marketplace. Det er nemlig nu muligt at sætte spillet på ønskelisten, og det er tilsyneladende blevet aldersvurderet - hvilket kan betyde, at udgivelsen er ved at nærme sig!Hmmm🤔…
— Nick Zuclich (@NickZuclich) April 1, 2024
A new cool game to wishlist?! 😎#HollowKnighSilksong
#25 - Skrevet 21-01-2025 06:00
Der har været lidt postyr omkring Silksong på det seneste. Senest er det, at spillet faktisk stadig er på vej:>Team Cherry member changes tag and pfp to cake with op before switch 2 reveal
— Penkaru (@pex_ton) January 16, 2025
>cake pfp redirects to a recipe when searched
>recipe was made April 2nd
>Nintendo direct for switch 2 is April 2nd
>Nintendo is consistently involved with hollow knight
#26 - Skrevet 21-01-2025 15:33
Yeah. Det er i hvert fald en indlysende event for dem at "piggybacke", hvis de mangler noget passende spektakulært. Nintendo burde vel også være med på idéen - "vaporware-hypen" er vel indie-verdenens svar på Metroid Prime 4. Semi-radiostilheden siden 2019 er jo påfaldende identisk med Metroid.