Skrevet 28-11-2020 17:25 - Redigeret 17-12-2020 19:41
#16 - Skrevet 09-02-2021 14:19
Jeg er startet på mit eventyr og har fået åbnet op for andet område, plus klaret nogle quests der. I starten var jeg rimelig skeptisk, synes det så noget firkantet og træls ud, men er blevet mere positivt stemt overfor det, især efterhånden som jeg har fået låst op for mere indhold. Render bare rundt og finder kister osv., mens jeg klarer diverse puzzles. Gåderne er simple nok, men til tider kan det være svært at finde de rette ting at trykke på. Det er dog ikke noget problem. Vaults (shrines) er også fine - har set mange kritisere dem, og her synes jeg mest, at de er lige lange nok. Kan dog se, at der ikke er nær så mange af dem som der var Shrines i BotW, så det er vel forklaringen.#17 - Skrevet 18-02-2021 16:14
Potentielt spoilers#18 - Skrevet 05-08-2023 07:31 - Redigeret 05-08-2023 07:32
Det lader til, at Ubisoft har haft en efterfølger under udvikling, men har skrottet den. Spillet her solgte mindre end forventet, og cheferne i Ubisoft har så stoppet udviklingen af efterfølgeren“but company leadership ultimately decided to cancel it earlier this month due to perceived challenges around establishing the IP.”
Ubisoft har valgt at fokusere mere på de store IP'er som Assassin's Creed og nedtoner derfor udviklingen af de andre spil.
Læs mere hos VGC.
#19 - Skrevet 22-08-2023 14:08
Der er lidt mere info om det spil, de havde tænkt sig at lave:– Game was taking longer because of its scope, revisions to the underlying Assassin’s Creed game engine the new game would use, and a smaller team
– By Spring 2023, several playable hours were available in an internal demo
– Ubisoft was at a juncture about whether to fund full development or nix the project
– Players could customize their body type, gender and look
– Curry favor with various Polynesian gods, gain elemental powers and shape-shift, get new tattoos based on the choices players made as the story progressed
– Go from island to island, each a fictional version of places such as New Zealand, Tahiti, Easter Island, and Hawai’i
– Inspired by the Polynesian concept of mana
– Players would manage how their in-game actions impacted the land around them
– Was planned to be different from the rest of Ubisoft’s games
– The game would have dropped things like quest markers and a compass/arrow that directs them to their next objective
– Players would need to search harder to figure out where to go by tracking animals, following the wind, or navigating via the position of the stars in the in-game sky
– Elden Ring was a core inspiration
– Would have dropped the first game’s narrator and the emphasis on solving puzzles
– More malleable story planned in which player choice is significant
– Graphics were more realistic compared to the previous title