N-club Streams: Uge 18

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Castle Crashers Remastered annonceret til Switch

Skrevet af JOEP - 19-03-2019 20:32

For ni år siden udkom et spil fra udvikleren The Behemoth, som hedder Castle Crashers, hvor du i bedste gammeldags beat 'em up-stil skal smadre alt, hvad der rører sig på skærmen. Du spiller som en af fire forskellige riddere, som hver besidder en unik evne. Der har længere huseret rygter om, at den reviderede udgave, Castle Crashers Remastered, fra 2015 er på vej til Switch, og i aften kunne The Behemoth så bekræfte rygterne. Du kan se annonceringen herunder, og så får du en trailer, som faktisk viser noget af spillet:

Den officielle udmelding kan læses her:

For those of you who are not familiar with Castle Crashers Remastered (CCR), here’s a quick rundown of what this version of the game has:

A multiplayer mini-game called “Back Off Barbarian” that’s frantic and weird.
Texture sizes of the game are five times the texture size of the original game
CCR runs at 60 frames per second. The original ran at 30 frames per second which feels kind of like a slideshow if you go back to it after trying this new one.
All previously released downloadable content like characters, weapons, and animal orbs are available in-game
Various performance updates and improvements to gameplay and online multiplayer

Oh, technology, you silly beast. You wonderful, electronic beast.

CCR on the Nintendo Switch has HD Rumble, Switch Online, and 4 player local Joy-Con support. Bring those little knights with you in handheld mode or put them up on the big screen while docked! On your PS4, we’ve utilized the latest in lighting technology to lighten up your lightbars with your character affinity color!

Why bring CCR to two more platforms now?

Well, aside from it being one of the most requested things we get asked there’s some less obvious reasons. With Alien Hominid not being ported often, we’ve seen it slowly become unavailable in most places. When we make games we want them to stick around. Taking advantage of the updated hardware of each generation is also very satisfying. Higher resolutions, higher framerates, chances to make tweaks, and better overall quality. Our debut title (Alien Hominid) was available on both Gameboy Advance and Nintendo Gamecube.

We’ve always eyeballed Nintendo’s platforms with a very warm heart. However, since the Gamecube, Nintendo’s cool features often demanded more development time than we were able to balance while guaranteeing quality. For instance, dual screens requiring UI and design reworks. The Nintendo Switch is perfect for us to make our return on and it brings with it the ability to have our games be portable. We always wanted to get onto the 3DS due to portability, so this is exciting for us!

Why not a sequel, you say?

Spooky tough question (but not really)! I often see people claim we would never make a sequel. That’s not accurate. We might make one someday, but it would have to hit all the right points at the right times. It has to be a product that would end up vastly improved, rather than “more of the same”, which is only something we can accomplish with gaining experience.

Another thing to consider is that there would be no Castle Crashers 2 if we started out by making sequels. You’d have Alien Hominid 2 instead of Castle Crashers 1. Or, alternatively, there’d be no BattleBlock Theater if we made Castle Crasher 2. It’s fun making different worlds and genres you love and want more of. We like the idea of more too. A constant internal battle with our minds! When we sat down to make the company we already had more games ideas than we could ever physically make in the first place and we want to bring them to life. Conflicting stuff!

Spillet har bliver en sommerudgivelse i år.

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1ups givet


#1 - ChiCkenEL

Level: 6 (Cucco)

20-03-2019 07:35

Fed titel helt sikkert.
Har spillet det så meget det spil. Både på xbox360 og Xbox One.

Men det er sent det kommer på maskinen. Det er lidt en skam.

Men kunne godt finde på at købe det, alt efter prisen.

1ups givet

#2 - Krisp

Level: 18 (Twhomp)

20-03-2019 08:02

Jeg spillede det lidt på PS3 for mange år siden. Jeg kan huske at jeg var helt færdig af grin, over at der var nogle dyr i baggrunden i de første baner, som havde pænt dårlig mave. Smiley
1ups givet

#3 - BroSmash

Level: 8 (Pirahna Plant)

21-03-2019 10:42

Spillede det en del på 360 så tror ikke jeg samler det op, kræver også, at der er nogle at spille med Smiley
1ups givet