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Interview med Miyamoto

Skrevet af Zøvnig - 04-09-2005 23:36

Jeg har her fornøjelsen af at bringe jer dette interview med vores alle sammens Miyamoto. Det er et uddrag af et radiointerview han for nyligt deltog i.

Det bringer nyt frem i lyset omkring det spil vi hidtil har kendt som Mario 128. Det bliver først og fremmest slået fast at det er en Revolution-titel nu. Miyamoto siger, Mario vil have en helt ny karakter ved sin side i spilllet, og at det vil presse interaktiviteten i et spil til maksimum. Hvad dette "helt specielle, der aldrig før er set" i det ny Mario-spil dækker over, må vi spændt vente på. Til gengæld fortæller han, vi meget snart vil høre meget mere til selve Revolution.

Også Zelda er der spændende nyt om. Han siger at dette bliver det sidste Zelda-spil som vi kender Zelda i dag, og at han i øvrigt aldrig før har arbejdet så meget på et spil, som med lige netop det nye Zelda.

Men læs selv interviewet lige her:

Why wait so long to release a new installment of Mario? The wait is frustrating players everywhere...

Mario is and always has been a concept title from his birth. We are always looking for new ways of playing with him, manipulating him, to create something new and unique. We're in the midst of preparing something special for his future, something never before seen. You'll understand when you see it that we can't quite release it right away. The new Mario game will surprise many people. Give us the benefit of the doubt. I think we'll present you with a new way to have fun. There's even a new character by his side.

Mario 128 will be released for Revolution then?

Yes, of course! It's no surprise, but of course we will rename it, obviously. That won't be the only surprise of next year though. We based the Revolution around this new type of game. Mario 128 played a large role in the Revolution's conception, much like Mario 64 in it's time. But we won't just be focusing on Mario. We're working on some very impressive games which push interactivity to the max. Games of a new era.

The new Zelda, it's not really good news that...

Please allow me to interrupt you by saying that you will have to be patient, really. This will be, without a doubt, the last Zelda game as you know it in its present form. I worked on it personally, moreso than Wind Waker! I haven't invested as much into any game as I have this one. Our goal was to make the best Zelda game ever. The most rich/satisfying and melancholy. We've really improved it in just a few months. Everything's coming together much quicker. We may have some last minute ideas...

You're going to move it to Revolution?

No, it is a Gamecube title.

In any case, you want to preserve the air of mystery around Nintendo?

We will be revealing many details soon. It's true, we do like surprises (laughs). While our gamers are sleeping, we're busy thinking up new ideas. But while they're playing - we're playing as well.

Vi venter i spænding på mere nyt!

1ups givet



Level: 16 (Space Pirate)

05-09-2005 00:24

sidste zelda spil som vi kender det NEEEEEEEEEEEEJJJJJJJ!!!!!!!!!!!!
1ups givet

#2 - MegaGame

Level: 2 (Keese)

05-09-2005 08:23

det kunne jo også betyde af det i fremtidet ville blive meget sjover af spille, eller af det måske få rpg ting i sig.
1ups givet

#3 - J3pseN

Level: 8 (Pirahna Plant)

05-09-2005 12:59

Det kan jo godt være det nye er bedre ikke! Smiley
1ups givet

#4 - DkVik1ng

Level: 2 (Keese)

05-09-2005 13:02

hallo, nintendo fucker ikke zelda serien op Smiley det er nintendo for smarte til, tror altså godt i kan glæde jer
1ups givet

#5 - Mads_7

Level: 1 (Goomba)

05-09-2005 15:02

Nu glæder jeg mig endu mere til TP!
Og det bliver også spænende at se hvad det bliver til med Mario 128 (256? Smiley =P)
1ups givet

#6 - AND

Level: 35 (Lakitu)

05-09-2005 15:36

Jeg kan kun sige at jeg venter i spænding...
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#7 - Kihaishii

Level: 1 (Goomba)

06-09-2005 06:48

*Elsk på Miyamoto-san* KAn man være mere genial?
Jeg glæder mig mega til det nye Zelda, og Revolution *Savl*
1ups givet