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Miyamoto brugte ualmindeligt lang tid på at klatre i træer i Breath of the Wild

Skrevet af Nemy - 08-03-2017 14:29

Der er vist ingen der er i tvivl om, at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild er udkommet. Spillet har fået fantastiske anmeldelser og har indtil videre solgt utrolig godt. At gøre spillet til en open world lader til at være en god beslutning, men vejen dertil har været lang og snoet. En af mændende bag ideen, Hidemaro Fujibayashi, fortæller i et nyt interview med Kotaku, hvordan han og hans kollegaer fik overbevist resten af holdet om, at det var en god ide.

Fujibayashi fortæller blandt andet om, da Shigeru Miyamoto skulle afprøve prototypen for første gang. Det endte med en lidt anden play-session end man havde regnet med. Miyamoto brugte nemlig utrolig lang tid på at klatre i træer.

Helt konkret udtaler Fujibayashi:

We put rupees at the top of the tree to let them know that this is something we're taking into account, but I didn't tell them. All I did was say, 'Here, play the game.' So the first thing [Miyamoto] did was start climbing, and he climbed the tree, and once he was able to do that and see that he can go anywhere within this small field, he got how this game will play out and that's how I presented it to him.

When we first presented this to Mr. Miyamoto, he spent about an hour just climbing trees. We left little treats like rupees on the trees, but we also left other things in other places we thought he might go. But he just kept climbing trees. Up and down. And so we got to the point where we go, 'Do you want to look at other stuff?' But he just kept on going. Once [he] got out of the Shrine of Resurrection, he spent an hour just within a 25-50 meter radius outside of that cave just climbing trees.

1ups givet


#1 - ThePatrickBay

Level: 33 (Hammer Bro)

08-03-2017 15:11

Det er en sjov historie, som viser, at de allerede fra start havde fat i den lange ende. Jeg bruger ikke så meget tid på konkret at klatre i træer, men det er den her exploration, som gør spillet til noget helt særligt.
1ups givet