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Nyt Labo-kit afsløret - udkommer 14. september

Nyt Labo-kit afsløret - udkommer 14. september

Skrevet af JOEP - 27-07-2018 07:44

I slutningen af april udkom Nintendos nye satsning, Labo, der er pap, som kan samles og integreres med Switchs JoyCons, således at du kan styre ting i på skærmen ved at anvende pappet på forskellige måder, f.eks. kom der Robot Kit, som lader dig bygge og styre en robot. Nu er det så på tide, at der kommer et nyt set, som kaldes Vehicle Kit, og det lader dig bygge et fartøj, som kan være en bil, et fly og en ubåd. Du kan se de forskellige fartøjer i videoen, som Nintendo har lavet:

Den danske pressemeddelelse lyder således:

27. juli 2018 – Gør dig klar til et nyt Nintendo Labo-eventyr, der lanceres den 14. september, nemlig Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit. Se mulighederne for at tage styringen over bil, ubåd eller fly i denne trailer:

Ud over at bygge en bil, ubåd og et fly kan du bl.a. bygge en pedal og to nøgler. Sæt en af nøglerne i et af køretøjerne og oplev diverse sjove spil og aktiviteter. Det er nemt at skifte køretøj undervejs i eventyret, du skal bare flytte nøglerne mellem de forskellige låse for at gå fra fx at køre bil til at være flypilot.

”Vores mål er at sætte et smil på læberne af alle, som engagerer sig med Nintendo,” siger Stephan Bole, præsident for Nintendo of Europe. ”Vi håber, at Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit, der lader spillere bygge tre forskellige køretøjer, vil introducere helt nye spillere til den unikke kombination af at skabe, spille og opdage!”

I Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit kan spillere bygge biler, køre racerløb og desuden opdage en mystisk verden. Hvert køretøj styres på forskellige måder og har særlige egenskaber. Fra ubåden kan du fx kaste en gribekrog ved at trykke på en knap. Med en af nøglerne kan man også invitere en ny fører/pilot.

Mulighederne med Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit bliver endda endnu større med Toy-Con Garage, som er det interaktive program, der følger med alle Nintendo Labo-produkter. Her kan du få inspiration til at eksperimentere og skabe yderligere med de Toy-Con, du har bygget og måske kombinere dem på ny. Du kan også dekorere dine Toy-Con og sætte dit personlige præg på dem.

Hvis du holder af at dekorere, designe og opfinde anbefaler vi, at du besøger vores konkurrenceside for Nintendo Labo Creators Contest Europe: https://www.nintendo.dk/nyheder/774-konkurrer-med-nintendo-labo

Labo kræver udelukkende en enkelt Switch med to JoyCons for at fungere. Det nye sæt her udkommer 14. september. Synes du, det ser interessant ud?

1ups givet



#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

27-07-2018 07:45


REDMOND, Wash., July 26, 2018 – Buckle up for a new adventure while sitting in the driver’s seat of a car, a submarine and a plane with the Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit, launching on Sept. 14. This new Nintendo Labo kit is designed to work with the Nintendo Switch system*, and contains materials to build a variety of customizable cardboard creations called Toy-Con, including a Car, a Submarine, a Plane, a Pedal, two Keys and more. By inserting one of the assembled Keys into any of the vehicles, players can enjoy a variety of fun games and activities. Changing between vehicles while adventuring is a cinch – simply pull the Key out of one and slot it into another to transform from an airplane pilot to a submarine captain!

“Nintendo Labo is a collaborative and creative experience designed to encourage imagination in people of all ages,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “We’re excited to offer a variety of fun gameplay experiences with Vehicle Kit, and look forward to seeing the creative Nintendo Labo community continue to grow.”

Since its introduction in April, Nintendo Labo has inspired new ways to play by combining the family-friendly fun of DIY creations with the technology of Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit will unlock even more ways for people to make, play and discover together, as they speed through races, battle cars equipped with extendable arms and explore a mysterious world. Each vehicle features its own controls and special moves, and with the second Key, players can even invite a co-pilot along on their in-game journey. Interacting with the assembled Toy-Con creations instantly translates into in-game actions to create a truly immersive experience – from pulling the cord on the Car to pop a wheelie, pushing the button on the Submarine to launch a grappling hook and so much more.

As with every Nintendo Labo kit, Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit includes its own unique Nintendo Switch software designed to work with the included Toy-Con projects. Enjoy the fun of making each Toy-Con creation, playing immersive games with them, discovering how they work and even inventing new ways to play. All materials needed to complete each Toy-Con creations are included – no glue, tape, or scissors required!

The possibilities of Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit can be expanded even further with Toy-Con Garage. This intuitive and interactive programming tool is included with every Nintendo Labo kit and features a simple, visual interface and handy tutorials designed for players of all ages. Toy-Con Garage encourages players to experiment with the Toy-Con creations they’ve built or craft their own original designs using handy household items like paper cups, stickers and ribbon. With Toy-Con Garage, the possibilities of Nintendo Labo become almost limitless – players of all ages can enjoy hours of inventing, tinkering, crafting, playing and enriching fun.

1ups givet

#2 - Nemy

Level: 27 (Beetle)

27-07-2018 13:09

Ret fed tilføjelse. Rattet bliver sikkert også kompatibelt med Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Smiley
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