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Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo fra Square Enix annonceret

Skrevet af JOEP - 11-02-2023 20:10

Square Enix kunne i torsdags annoncere et helt nyt spil fra dem, et spil de kalder Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo. Spillet udkommer allerede 9. marts, og her får du et horror-eventyr i visual novel-formatet, med en historie der foregår i Tokyo i Japan i slutningen af 1900-tallet. Hvordan det ser ud kan du se i traileren her:

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#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

11-02-2023 20:11

This unsettling tale takes place in the Sumida Ward of Tokyo, Japan, in the late 20th century. Unravel the hopes, dreams and fears of these unique characters who find themselves in the grip of deadly curses, as their motivations intertwine in a story that twists and turns. Lead the story to its conclusion by your own hand!

Shogo Okiie, an ordinary office worker, visits Kinshibori Park in the dead of night with his friend, Yoko Fukunaga, to investigate a well-known local ghost story: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo. Shogo doesn’t quite believe Yoko when she talks about how the Mysteries are connected to the Rite of Resurrection and doesn’t pay it much mind – that is, until strange events begin to unfold before his very eyes.

Meanwhile, several others are making their own investigations into The Seven Mysteries…

Detectives investigating a series of strange deaths, a high-school girl seeking the truth behind her classmate’s suicide, and a mother who has sworn revenge for her lost son.

Their desires and motives intertwine and interplay, with the Seven Mysteries of Honjo at the core, leading the story towards a battle of wits and curses.

Key Features

– Conduct investigations in Showa Japan; depicted through immersive, ambient 360 backgrounds. With the full support and cooperation of Sumida City Tourism Division, the local museum, the tourist association, and the local community, real-life scenery from Sumida has been photographed with a 360° camera and recreated as photo spheres that cover the entire sky and surroundings.
– Unravel the mysteries of Honjo through investigation and conversations with many interesting – and suspicious – characters.
– Be sure to pick up all crucial clues, and choose your movements carefully – or you may just meet your demise!
– Explore a story that twists and turns through multiple points of view and find ways to reveal new pieces of information.
– Navigate strategic gameplay and choose to either deploy your curses at the opportune moment, or risk being cursed yourself.

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