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Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos udkommer 23. februar - demo udgivet

Skrevet af JOEP - 16-01-2021 19:21

Team17 kunne tilbage i maj måned annoncere, at action-puzzle-spillet Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos er på vej til Switch, og nu kan de så langt om længe løfte sløret for udgivelsesdatoen - nemlig 23. februar. Samtidig kunne de også afsløre, at spillet har fået en demo, som kan hentes på eShop nu. Spillet i sig selv kan også købes nu for 124,75 kr. Du kan se en ny trailer for spillet her:

Er det et spil, der kan friste dig?

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#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

16-01-2021 19:30

Beyond the challenge of the dungeons, Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos features the titular overworld of Tasos, which is filled with its own many secrets, as well as the village of Intori. The settlement can be rebuilt, expanded, and developed throughout the course of the game, which will help the player in their quest, like a Blacksmith that improves the sword, a Clinic that bolsters health, and much more. Heroes can also prepare for the challenges that lay ahead by unlocking and honing new abilities through the game’s skill tree and its variety of character customisation options.

Key Features:

– Four-player co-op adventuring: Up to four players can explore the lands of Tasos and tackle the dungeons, assisting and reviving each other to earn victory together
– Roguelite dungeon-crawling: Take on procedurally-generated dungeons packed with a variety of monsters, earning gems to spend on upgrades to get further in the next run
– Town and class upgrades: Each run in the dungeon earns gems to spend on upgrades, including the facilities in the town, as well as player abilities and stats
– Classic gameplay reinvented: This is top-down adventuring brought into the modern day with colourful visuals and a number of options for combat, puzzle-solving, and exploration.

1ups givet

#2 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

17-02-2021 06:33

Der er udgivet en ny trailer, der dog ikke rigtig viser noget af spillet frem, så den får ikke lige sin egen nyhed:

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