Skrevet 20-06-2012 03:02
Nu har vi jo godt nok også anmeldelser af spil her på siden, men denne tråd er til at dele anmeldelser af spil der er interessante af den ene eller anden grad - fx meget højere/lavere end forventet eller den første af et bestemt spil - samt diskussion af disse.#106 - Skrevet 17-09-2014 19:41
Wow. Det var uventet. GameReactor UK gav også 8/10.#107 - Skrevet 17-09-2014 22:32
Gamereactor DK stikker den 5/10. Jeg kan ikke lige fortælle hvorfor den er blevet trukket ned igen. Måske nogle problemer med Bergsala.#108 - Skrevet 17-09-2014 22:35
Spændende. Anmeldelsen hos UK var ret kort og uforklarende.#109 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 12:52 - Redigeret 24-09-2014 12:52
EDGE magazine, som er notorisk for deres hårde anmeldelser, har givet Bayonetta 2 et perfekt 10-tal.... and i'm not surprised :3#110 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 13:25
Bliver mere og mere tilbøjelig til at få mig den udgave med begge spil... roserne hagler jo ned over de(t) spil!#111 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 13:42
JOEP skrev:
Bliver mere og mere tilbøjelig til at få mig den udgave med begge spil... roserne hagler jo ned over de(t) spil!
Hvis ikke du har spillet 1'eren, så gør det!
#112 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 13:58
Minder mig om, at jeg skal et smut forbi GameStop og høre dem om deres pris er blevet ændret. Da jeg forudbestilte stod det nemlig til 699 kr. i deres system (altså for pakken med både 1 og 2), hvilket det absolut ikke skal koste..#113 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 14:20
JOEP skrev:
Bliver mere og mere tilbøjelig til at få mig den udgave med begge spil... roserne hagler jo ned over de(t) spil!
Samme her. Jeg er dog stadig noget i tvivl om spillet/spillene er noget for mig (Jeg har ikke prøvet 1eren). Når jeg ser videoer af gameplay er det ikke noget der umiddelbart fanger min interesse. Men så igen, sådan var det også inden jeg første gang prøvede et Zelda spil og det endte med jeg elskede det alligevel.
#114 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 14:45
^Præcis. Synes videoerne får det til at ligne en til-tider-onrail action button masher, der hurtigt bliver ensformig. Men sådan lyder det ikke til på folk, der har spillet det.#115 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 14:52
Spil The Wonderful 101! Så ved I om Bayonetta er noget for jer. Det er ikke samme voksne stil, men gameplay-elementerne er nærmest identiske - en masse små kampe, hvor din indsats bedømmes, quick time events, over the top boss-kampe og en masse cutscenes.#116 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 15:20
KJ85 skrev:
Spil The Wonderful 101! Så ved I om Bayonetta er noget for jer. Det er ikke samme voksne stil, men gameplay-elementerne er nærmest identiske - en masse små kampe, hvor din indsats bedømmes, quick time events, over the top boss-kampe og en masse cutscenes.
Hmmm.. jeg vil vove at påstå, at Bayonetta er en del nemmere end Wonderful 101, men det skyldes nok, at jeg fangede rytmen i Bayonetta hurtigere.
Det bedste man kan gøre er at finde et super billigt eksemplar af Bayonetta til 360 eller PS3, og så se om det er noget for én.
#117 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 15:27
^Men det ænder vel ikke på, at de rent strukturelt er meget ens. Selvfølgelig gør det en forskel om man skal tegne noget på GamePad eller blot trykke på nogen knapper, og så er der i Bayonetta nok noget mere customization end der var mulighed for i The Wonderful 101.#118 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 16:04
Ja ja, de er strukturelt det samme, det sagde jeg aldrig, men hvad angår sværhedsgraden, så synes jeg blot Bayonetta var aner nemmere at komme til pga. kampsystemet. Det er jo oftest det, som har skræmt folk fra Wonderful 101.#119 - Skrevet 24-09-2014 22:48
10 fra EDGE er sgu ikke ringe. Treasure er ret geniale, ender sgu nok med jeg bliver nød til at købe det (læs: vinde det i auktionshuset )#120 - Skrevet 26-09-2014 09:30
<h2>Smash 3DS</h2>Smash 3DS is impressive and, for the most part, feels right at home on 3DS. The multitude of ways to play and awesome customization gave me many reasons to keep fighting - and I’ve been at it for more than 45 hours already. It all produces a fun feedback loop of engaging in matches to unlock custom moves and trophies, then jumping into another match to try out the new stuff. Even the online modes feel carefully considered and focused on what the series does best, and what the 3DS can reasonably do. It’s a little disappointing that the four-player antics that are the best part of the console games don’t really work on a small screen, but there’s still more than enough that does work to make Smash a great 3DS game.
Nintendo Life - 9/10
Remarkable production values combined with a staggering amount of content and fan service make Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS an entertaining, rewarding and downright addictive title that’s immensely hard to put down. It’s a hugely successful transition from the big screen, which retains everything — the in-depth gameplay, the seamlessly merged crossover universe and that unrivalled Nintendo charm — that has made each home console instalment to date an instant classic. It feels familiar, further defining the mould of the series instead of reshaping it, but it does so to impeccably high standards.
That said, it’s not perfect: the online multiplayer can be very hit-or-miss in terms of connection quality, and the customisation features are pretty lacking, although these aren't considerable enough to damage the overall experience. As the wealth of modes, stages, characters and other features prove, this isn't a quick release intended to tide over players until the Wii U version comes along. Rather, it delivers more than a 3DS game should feasibly be able to do, so much so that it’ll be enjoyed alongside its HD counterpart and in its own right for years to come.
Joystiq - 4.5/5
While there are definite areas where Nintendo could improve on Super Smash Bros. in an inevitable sequel, this is the most feature-complete, compelling Super Smash Bros. entry to date. It stands right alongside Fire Emblem: Awakening and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds as a game that every 3DS owner should play. Even if you can't find a smooth online match, the wealth of single-player and local multiplayer options will keep Super Smash Bros. fresh for months to come, and that's even before you consider the numerous unlockable characters, trophies, items and any potential DLC the developers might have planned. When Nintendo is firing on all cylinders, it creates the sort of games that other companies only wish they could put together, and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS is the perfect example of that sterling pedigree.
Pocket Gamer - 9/10
Super Smash Bros simply has an unbelievable amount of content. I've been playing for over 13 hours and I still haven't played as every character. So there's loads to keep you going, as long as you enjoy the bouncy, hectic, messy fighting system.
You'll have more fun with friends than on your own thanks to a unstructured solo offering, but even those who prefer to play alone will find a generous helping of modes, characters, trophies, and special unlocks.
Gamespot - 8/10
I found so much raw joy in my time with Super Smash Bros. 3DS. And even though I played to the point where I was literally in pain, I didn't have to keep playing Smash Bros. 3DS. I wanted to.
Destructoid - 9/10
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS delivered just about everything I wanted out of it, and then some. I've grown attached to a number of newcomers, I've played more online matches than I ever did with Brawl, and I'll be tackling all of the single-player content for weeks on end. I'm all in again thanks to Smash 3DS, and it's made me even more excited for the Wii U version later this year.
The Escapist - 4.5/5
While designed for your pocket, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS does not skimp on the features. A full-fledged Smash game, packed with stuff to discover, and boasting a roster of familiar and thoroughly inventive new characters, this is a beautiful fighting game than everyone can enjoy. Just a shame that the online isn't that hot.
Nintendo World Report - 8.5/10
All of the elements that made previous Smash Bros. games great can be found in this 3DS iteration. The transition is a little rough, but for the most part, everything is well represented and comes off as big as the home console releases. The mixture of new gameplay mechanics and modes and old and nostalgic moments make this newest version work wonderfully, even with the problems. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS doesn't try to change the formula in what made Smash Bros. great, but it keeps adding to the existing formula and in that, creates new experiences that continue to make the game worth investing time in.
Nintendo Insider - 9/10
GameXplain - "Liked"
Game Sided - Overall: 9.5/10; Competitve model: 7.5/10
Game Reactor (Spanish) - 9/10
Polygon - 9/10
Games Radar - 3/5
Pure Nintendo - 10/10
Techno Buffalo - "Buy"