Skrevet 20-10-2016 19:47 - Redigeret 06-09-2024 15:27
Nintendo Switch er nu blevet afsløret, men hvilke udviklere arbejder egentlig på indhold til Nintendos nye konsol, og hvad skal vi forvente? Nintendo har afsløret en lang række af partnere, som er om bord i forhold til den nye konsol, og deres logoer blev vist på nedenstående billede.#1 - Skrevet 20-10-2016 19:50 - Redigeret 20-10-2016 19:50
Skyrim var et af de spil, som vi så i dagens trailer, og Bethesda lyder til at være positive over for den nye konsol. I hvert fald skriver de følgende på Twitter:#2 - Skrevet 20-10-2016 20:30 - Redigeret 20-10-2016 20:30
Så er Ubisoft også på banen med en udmelding:With the Nintendo Switch’s unique capacities and design, Nintendo will again redefine the way we play games. The Switch is accessible at its core and also seizes on the growing trend of sharing more experiences and playing anywhere at anytime. Ubisoft and Nintendo enjoy a long-standing partnership and we are currently developing a number of games for the console, including Just Dance 2017. We look forward to sharing more at a later date.
#3 - Skrevet 20-10-2016 20:36
Det er en kæmpe sejr, at de har Bethesda på, og jeg håber inderligt, at Take-Two også kunne få tvunget 2K til at smide Borderlands eller GTA på.#4 - Skrevet 20-10-2016 21:55
Har lige fået mail fra Engine Software, som melder sig klar til Switch:Engine Software, veteran independent game developer, is following up Nintendo’s big announcement and teaser of its latest home console: the Nintendo SwitchTM. We are delighted to announce we will fully support Nintendo’s new hardware as we always have supported Nintendo’s platforms in the past, all the way back to the Super Nintendo.
One of Engine Software’s key strategies has always been helping indies, developers and publishers branch out to other platforms, whether that is through full design and development on a specific platform or adapting existing games to a specific platform.
The Nintendo SwitchTM is as of now fully included in this and our engine, tools and development pipeline for the new console are already set up. Our first game is already well underway but it is a bit too early to announce that quite yet.
#5 - Skrevet 21-10-2016 09:43 - Redigeret 21-10-2016 09:47
Bethesda trækker lidt i land og siger, at de faktisk ikke har annonceret nogen titler til Switch endnu, men at de blot gav Nintendo lov til at vise Skyrim Remastered i videoen. Jeg tvivler dog på, at vi ikke får det at se. Og så håber jeg enormt meget på Dishonored 2. De udtaler følgende:“We’re happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Nintendo on the video. While we are not confirming any specific titles at this time, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Nintendo and support of the Switch. We look forward to revealing specific games and details in the future.”
Flere udviklere er desuden også på banen:
SEGA and Nintendo have been great partners over the years, and we continue to with our support of the Nintendo Switch. We look forward to revealing specific game plans soon, but have nothing further to announce at this time
We’re excited to be supporting the Nintendo Switch and believe the games we publish are a perfect fit for the portable nature of the console
Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco Entertainment has enjoyed a long partnership of publishing and developing great titles for Nintendo systems. We want to congratulate Nintendo on their exciting announcement. We look forward to bringing both iconic franchises and new titles to Nintendo Switch.”
Yacht Club Games:
At Yacht Club Games, we’re very excited for the Nintendo Switch! Nintendo continues to put fun first by focusing on delivering new, engaging ways to play, which is what we’re all about! We can’t wait to take advantage of the system’s capability to have local and online multiplayer anywhere. It will allow for some truly great game experiences. We can only imagine the pure joy we’ll have playing Nintendo’s games both on the go and at home.
Thomas Happ, the creator of Axiom Verge, had this to say about the Nintendo Switch:
I think it looks great, though I question why the marketing is focused exclusively on making big screen games portable and doesn’t depict 3DS-style games. One of the missteps of the Vita seemed to be assuming that everyone wanted a portable Uncharted when in fact the system is most treasured for smaller, quirky, or indie style games. So I hope in the future they show some of those kinds of games since they could possibly be their bread and butter.
I do wish the screen were 3D like 3DS, but that’s a minor gripe. Hopefully we can get a devkit soon and start porting Axiom Verge over.
Devolver Games: (Hotline Miami, Titan Souls og OlliOlli)
We're excited for the Nintendo Switch and having met with Nintendo last week we're confident you'll see some our games on it next year!
#6 - Skrevet 21-10-2016 11:51
O-train skrev:
GTA på farten !
Kunne være mega fedt. Lad os håbe at Rockstar Games vil få øjnene op for Switch.
#7 - Skrevet 21-10-2016 12:24
powerfull499 skrev:
O-train skrev:
GTA på farten !
Kunne være mega fedt. Lad os håbe at Rockstar Games vil få øjnene op for Switch.
Take-Two ejer Rockstar og er en del af partnere præsenteret Det er derfor, at jeg er spændt. Men GTA har jo kun været på Nintendo konsoller 3 gange. Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance og Nintendo DS. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor, at det kun har været håndholdte, om det skal være kriteriet, men altså.. Switch er håndholdt hehe.
#8 - Skrevet 21-10-2016 12:33
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="da"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yes, we are <a href="">#NintendoSwitch</a> developer and we love it!</p>— Shin'en Multimedia (@ShinenGames) <a href="">21. oktober 2016</a></blockquote>#9 - Skrevet 22-10-2016 10:32 - Redigeret 22-10-2016 10:35
Zoink Games er også klar til Switch:#10 - Skrevet 22-10-2016 19:58
Endnu en udvikler melder sig under fanerne:#11 - Skrevet 23-10-2016 13:05
Jeg glæder mig til at se en release calender med tonsvis af spil. Det bliver dyrt at være mig, men penge er til for at blive brugt.#12 - Skrevet 23-10-2016 15:27
Jeg er glad for at se grasshoppers der. Suda magi og måske nmh 3#13 - Skrevet 23-10-2016 16:09
Aneira skrev:
Jeg glæder mig til at se en release calender med tonsvis af spil. Det bliver dyrt at være mig, men penge er til for at blive brugt.
Åh hvor er vi to på ligeplan haha
#14 - Skrevet 23-10-2016 18:26
Jeg drømmer om et nyt Metroid-spil! Og gerne i 2D i stil med f.eks. Super Metroid#15 - Skrevet 24-10-2016 18:55
Det ene ad FDGs spil er blevet listet specifikt nu: