Skrevet 22-03-2006 15:13 - Redigeret 22-03-2006 18:16
her skriver vi hvad vores bedste deck består af
mit bedste yu-gi-oh deck:
+ level 5 monsters:
Barrel dragon
Beast of talwar
non-tribute monsters:
Gearfried the iron knight x2
La jinn the mystical genie of the lamp x2
7 colored fish
Man-eater bug x2
Harpie's brother
Goblin attack force
Magician of faith
Wall of illusion x2
Exiled force
Witch of the black forest
Mask of darkness
Hayabusa knight
Invader of the throne
Bazoo the soul-eater
Fiber jar
Magic cards:
Tribute to the doomed
Nobleman of crossout
Dark hole
Mystical space tyhoon
Axe of despair
Sword of revealing light
Snatch steal
Creature swap
Monster reborn
Graceful charity x2
Pot of greed
Messenger of peace
Premature burial
Change of heart
Giant trunade
Malevolent nuzzler
Reinforcemant of the army
Trap cards:
Spellbinding circle
Impeial order x2
Seven tools of the bandit x2
Horn of heaven
torrential tribute
Trap hole
Solemn Judgment x2
Bottomless trap hole
Magic cylinder
Magic jammer
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