Skrevet 11-06-2013 16:57 - Redigeret 27-09-2014 23:02
#1 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:00
Der var rygter om Fairy-type allerede for nogle uger siden, så det kom ikke helt som en overraskelse. Rygterne nævnte endda nogle af de Pokémon, som ville skifte type. De nævnte vist også, at de var immune (eller bare tog mindre skade) fra dragon types, hvilket vel passer meget godt, hvis de er super effektive mod dem. Det tegner også godt for spillets balance.#2 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:02
nu mangler vi bare en eevee dragon type#3 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:03
Yesss, nu bliver Wigglytuff måske viable!#4 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:04
fatter dog slet ikke hvorfor Marill bliver fairy ???#5 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:07
Noivern ser faktisk ret bæst ud og er åbenbart en Flying/Dragon-type.#6 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:11
Jeg har intet imod den nye Fairy type, men jeg kunne nu også godt tænke mig at vide, hvilken relation Marril har med Fairy, men det kan være, det er ét af emnerne, der bliver talt om ved round table.#7 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:11
ser mega underligt ud de "øjne" den har over sine "normale" øjne#8 - Skrevet 11-06-2013 17:12
Lunario skrev:
Jeg har intet imod den nye Fairy type, men jeg kunne nu også godt tænke mig at vide, hvilken relation Marril har med Fairy, men det kan være, det er ét af emnerne, der bliver talt om ved round table.
Og det udkommer d. 12. oktober! YES! Kun lige få dage efter min fødselsdag. Jeg vil helt klart have fat i begge versioner.
kan være man skal hente X/Y den 12 oktober om lørdagen også få fri ugen efter til at game
#9 - Skrevet 12-06-2013 10:38
Referat fra X/Y roundtable,9:11: Mr. Tsunekazu Ishihara, President and CEO of The Pokémon Company, is now taking the stage.
9:14: Mr. Ishihara is giving a brief history of Pokémon.
9:24: Mr. Junichi Masuda, Director at GAME FREAK inc., is on stage.
9:29: Rail grinding is in the game, and full clothing customization has been confirmed.
9:30: Players will be able to experience the game in one of seven languages.
9:31: PSS (Player Search System) revealed.
9:32: PSS will allow you to search for Friends, Acquaintances and Passerbys around the world and is located on the bottom screen.
9:35: PSS can detect when others are playing X and Y. Interacting with them makes them an Acquaintance. From there, they may be upgraded to Friend status. 100 Friends can be registered at any given time.
9:36: Battles have a variety of special rules to choose from if you don't like the default ones.
9:37: Battle camera is more dynamic (splitscreens, etc.). Battled Passerbys become Acquaintances through the PSS.
9:38: Over 113 regional Pokémon and 8 badges confirmed. Trading screen also looks much sleeker.
9:46: Boomburst is a new sound-based Normal-type move that can be learned by Noivern.
9:49: Pokémon-Amie system detailed. Allows a Pokémon's friendship to be increased by petting, feeding and playing with them.
9:50: Stronger bonds allow for more critical hits or evasion in battle. A new type of wild encounters called "Horde Encounters" (as many as 4 wild Pokémon appearing at once) detailed. Designed to make wild encounters more challenging and thrilling.
9:52: Sky Battles, a new style of battle open only to Flying-types and those with Levitate, officially revealed. Trainers can challenge you to Sky Battles during the main quest.
9:54: Talonflame, presumably Fletchling's evolution, is shown engaging Noctowl in a Sky Battle.
9:58: That's all for new stuff. Q&A begins.
9:59: Sorry folks; only one save file.
10:00: GF is working on allowing imports from Gen V. Apparently the 3DS/DS barrier is a pain. DLC is a possibility, but nothing concrete yet.
10:03: Fairy-type was introduced 'cause Dragon was OP. That's all that was said about that.
10:05: No comment on the total number of new Pokémon.
10:06: Beauty is a theme in the game, and France's beauty is why it was chosen as the inspiration for Kalos.
10:09: EVs and IVs will be made more visible and intuitive in X&Y.
10:11: Hair style and colour, skin tone, and outfits are all customizable. You can set how you appear to other players on the PSS.
10:13: Although 8-way movement is enabled, the game is still grind-based in order to track figures such as Pokémon encounters.
10:15: Music will sound better overall due to lack of compression/downsizing.
10:18: Their lips are sealed regarding Newtwo. Sakurai jokes that he's thinking about putting him in Smash Bros.
10:20: There is an evil team in the game, and there may be more than one rival as well.
10:22: The PSS automatically reads your 3DS Friends List and registers those on it who play X&Y as Friends ingame.
10:23: Certain areas have unique ways of getting around (i.e grinding on rails or Rhyhorning around).
10:24: Shift and Set styles of battling are back, and you can choose the music before entering a trainer battle!
10:27 Riding Pokémon are borrowed from NPCs, and can be used to open obstructed paths.
10:30: IT'S OVER!
#10 - Skrevet 12-06-2013 10:50
Newtwo. Det havde jeg ikke hørt før.#11 - Skrevet 12-06-2013 11:23
Ja, hvem der bliver fairy virker lidt random. Hvis det bare er alle nuttede Pokémoner, som defintionen ser ud lige nu, så får de travlt med paradigmet.#12 - Skrevet 12-06-2013 13:40 - Redigeret 12-06-2013 13:50
Hvis i gerne vill se en som analysere pokemon trailerne (også andre nintendo relateret spil) så synes jeg at i skal tjekke GameXplains kanal ud på youtube. Han går i detalier.#13 - Skrevet 12-06-2013 15:45
newtwo lyder da af lort !! ad et grimt navn#14 - Skrevet 12-06-2013 16:10 - Redigeret 12-06-2013 16:13
Hvis jeg ikke husker helt galt, nævnte de på et tidspunkt, der vil være en facility in-game, der vil oplyse dig om dine EVs. Måske den også kommer til at omfatte IVs.#15 - Skrevet 12-06-2013 16:13
kunne være fedt med EV..