Skrevet 17-07-2014 17:17 - Redigeret 17-07-2014 17:29
Tool games har tidligere haft en kickstarter kampagne med deres rum-simulator "Space Pioneer", den nåede aldrig sit mål og som udviklerne lovede har de arbejdet videre med spillet og det er nu blevet til "Project Tool" som hovedsageligt foregår i 3rd person.Story
2 billion years ago, an alien transport vehicle rapidly encroached on our solar system. The alien ship entered prehistoric Earth's atmosphere and crash landed. On board the ship was a special form of cargo. It was a small crystalline formation which emitted particles that gave matter surrounding it the ability to self-organize. It became the source of all life.
The year now is 2347 AD. Another alien ship finds this source of life and takes it away from Earth. Immediately, life on Earth starts to decay and wither. A professor named Edward Mannings discovers that the ability of cells to transfer information and survive is contingent on an emanating source that has recently disappeared. Since making this discovery, he finds an amazingly similar radiating source coming from a far away region in space. This gives Earth a chance to be saved.
The government of Earth sees a chance to control this source of life however, and thinks of it as a solution to the massive overpopulation problem on Earth. Knowing of Mannings' research, they start a program called "All Seeing Eye", with the goal of this program being to retrieve this source of life, and secretly use it for the government's own interests.
Colonel Ray Stevenson is leading the operation. His first objective is to destroy a complex belonging to professor Mannings. It includes a directional radio that professor Mannings invented, which tracks where the emanating source of life is. The antenna is the only device on Earth that is capable of reading this type of emanation. The complex also includes database servers that store all of Mannings' research. The purpose of taking down this complex is to ensure the total secrecy of operation "All Seeing Eye".
You control an elite former secret agent named Jake Travis. Before retiring, he was one of the government's top agents, and was considered to be incredibly skilled and lethal. Jake learns of operation, "All Seeing Eye” through his contacts in the agency, and wonders what the government's true intent is. He decides to join the operation to find out what the government is really after. In the first mission, he comes into contact with the crystalline formation that is the source of all life, and gains incredible abilities from it. He has the ability to teleport himself and other things around him and in addition, is able to transfer his mind into other intelligent beings. Shortly after gaining his abilities, he learns of the government's true intentions and decides to go rogue in order to protect the crystalline formation.
Project Tool aims to provide a cinematic game-play experience, with a captivating storyline that's set in a sci-fi future. Tool is a 3rd person action RPG at heart, with a single player campaign that spans our galaxy. Its story is unforgettable and its gameplay is just as enjoyable.
The hero of our story, and the person you control has the ability to teleport himself and other things around him. He can only do this for short distances, as using teleportation for long distances runs a high risk of scrambling the atoms of whatever is teleported. His ability allows trillions of targeted atoms to be transported to another location instantaneously. He is able to teleport his consciousness into another living entity.
Tool's universe is based around a crystalline formation that is the source of all life on earth. At the very beginning of the game's campaign, this source of life is taken away by mysterious aliens, and the protagonist that you play as deals with the consequences and aftermath of that. Earth faces a major overpopulation problem, and the government of our planet decides that it wants to retrieve this source of life, so as to be able to control the world's population. The storyline centers around this, and goes between dealing with the conflict that earth's government is creating and the larger narrative that spans our galaxy.
We want the player to have a realistic and completely immersive experience. To accomplish this, Project Tool features an innovative UI and HUD interface that's fully integrated into the game's mythos as wearable technology and holographic displays.
For most of the game, you are directly in control of the protagonist and will get to witness his story unfold in a manner that is both personal and engrossing. Missions in Project Tool are very focused, so as not to detract from the engrossing storyline, but in spite of that, you will almost always have an array of tactical options. Project Tool is very cinematic, but the game is very adaptable in terms of how you want to play.
The level design within project Tool strives to be very unique and dynamic. Some missions take place on earth, while others take place aboard a huge space-ship armada. You'll find moments in the game wherein the laws of physics are purposely bent or in some cases, don't exist. Some sections of Project Tool feature zero G environments, which considerably alter your game-play experience.
Project Tool has a deep variety of customization options. You can upgrade and fine tune reload speed, ammo type, lethality and special attributes for weaponry. Armor can be customized for everything from faring well against incendiary rounds, to being tough all around. Your attributes can be adjusted too; that includes speed, endurance, vision, reflexes and specialties. You can also customize your clothing and fine tune your skills through virtual war simulators.
Project Tool isn't just a video game, but a deeply enjoyable cinematic experience. With a story that will leave you perpetually on the edge of your seat, as well as gameplay that's just as deep and feature rich. We are creating a video game that is unlike anything else on the market.
#1 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 17:51 - Redigeret 17-07-2014 17:52
Duuuude... Det er ikke engang et Nintendo spil før det rammer 1.000.000 dollars i funding, og der er ikke noget gameplay i den trailer...#2 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 18:45
Det kunne i hvert fald deles i Kickstarter tråden kunne det ikke?#3 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 19:02
Jo også det.#5 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 19:57
JA! SLEMME, SLEMME Kukabuksilaks! Kan du SÅ lære det? GRRrr#6 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 20:01
^Jeg synes nu ikke der er nogen der farer op, og Oliver lader da til at have skrevet, hvor indholdet med fornuft kunne have været postet#7 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 20:31
O-train skrev:
Duuuude... Det er ikke engang et Nintendo spil før det rammer 1.000.000 dollars i funding, og der er ikke noget gameplay i den trailer...
Lad være med at starte en tråd for sådan noget. Hvis du har en interessant nyhed som ikke er relevant ift. sidens fokus, så lav hellere et opslag i "Alternative nyheder"-tråden, hvis du føler, at det bør nævnes.
jeg har fulgt dem siden de startede deres Space pioneer kickstarter og Wii U har været en af deres top prioteter siden da, derfor syntes jeg at det virkede relevant nok at smide den op her.
efter jeg læste at du skrev wii u var et $1.000.000 stretch-goal har jeg ledt deres side igennem (igen) kan godt være at jeg er blevet blind på mine gamle dage men jeg kan kun finde deres $500.000 Funding goal til alle platforme, ingen stretch goals.
Du må meget gerne pege mig i retningen af hvor du har fundet det.
grunden til jeg startede denne tråd er at det gav ikke mening i mit hoved, der godt kan lide orden, at have alle kickstarter relaterede ting i en tråd, ligesom at have alle "alternative nyheder" i en tråd heller ikke gør (for mig).
Det kunne være rart med flere undergrupper der kunne erstatte de enkelte tråde, som en alternative nyheder undergruppe og en kickstarter undergruppe. Så kunne man måske også finde noget når man søger på forummet og det kunne være der kom mere trafik her hvis det hele blev lidt mere overskueligt.
men jeg skal nok bruge de to tråde fremover.
#8 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 20:55
^ Sorry jeg læste første skimmede første stretch-goal for hurtigt. Men alligevel er det et spil afhængigt af donationer, før det får fysisk release, og det forekommer ikke meget mere populært end andre Kickstarter-spil. Hvis du vil lave en dedikeret tråd, så gør det, men du præsenterer emnet som en nyhed og dedikerer en hel tråd til denne nyhed, om et spil som endnu er usikkert, og som ikke står ud iblandt kickstarter-spil. Jeg ser stadigvæk denne tråd som overkill, og hvor andre har fået at vide, at de også bør undgå at lave sådan tråde, hvorfor skulle Kukabuksilaks få lov?#9 - Skrevet 17-07-2014 21:10 - Redigeret 17-07-2014 21:11
For en god ordens skyld må jeg hellere nævne, at den "politik" vi i øjeblikket fører med Kickstarter-spil er, at de præsenteres i den store brede tråd når nogen opdager, at de eksisterer, og hvis de så bliver finansieret må der hjertensgerne skrives en nyhed om det.