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Endnu en stor opdatering på vej til Dead Cells

Skrevet af JOEP - 02-07-2020 10:33

Dead Cells udkom for snart to år siden, men udviklerne bliver ved med at arbejde på det, og nu har de afsløret næste opdatering til spillet, som tilføjer masser af nyt - "Update of Plenty" kalder de den med en reference til The WItcher-TV-seriens populære sang "Valley of Plenty". Den er netop blevet tilgængelig på Steam, og Switch-versionen bør komme indenfor de næste få uger. Du kan se mere til opdateringen i den video, som udviklerne har lagt ud:

Samtidig med denne udmelding kom det også frem, at Dead Cells har solgt over 3 mio. eksemplarer over alle platforme - og salget fortsætter med at være stærkest på Switch.

Spiller du stadig Dead Cells?

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#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

02-07-2020 14:31

Lidt for de tekstglade:

Update 19 makes a lot (no, a lot) of smaller changes to the game, including sweeping changes to items and weapons – many of which were completely reworked, nerfed or boosted.

Examples of these small but meaningful changes include alterations to crossbows, which are now two-handed weapons (duh) and ‘Survival’ only, giving players two separate attacks and a generous health pool. There’s also a backpack that lets you hold a weapon (sorry, you can’t use it if it’s in the backpack) while you wield a two-handed weapon, making sure you’re never punished for switching back to a dual weapon build.

Additionally, the in-game economy and merchants got a makeover with the removal of gold-scaling (gear price will now go up with item level), prices have changed on a variety of items, and there are various changes to refining and affix rerolling costs. Shop categories are now color-based instead of being based on equipment type and you now get a shop reroll for free, however, it makes items on sale pricier so do with that what you will.

The other more notable changes include scrolls being removed from ++ and S weapons, but to compensate more scrolls have been added to the early biomes (heyoooo make it rain!), enemy damage has been reduced, and gear damage has been increased. #balance

Also, for fans who lovingly encountered unrelenting death in 2BC (two Boss Cells), the new update has smoothed out difficulty progression – 0BC (zero Boss Cells), for example, has been made more challenging in order to teach new players more of the moves and give them time to collect more gear/runes before progressing, but the difficulty curve in general has also been adjusted from 0-5BC so difficulty spikes should be (should be) less of a problem.

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