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Hvad spilproducenterne siger om den nye controller

Skrevet af Zøvnig - 16-09-2005 06:43

Nu ved vi endelig hvordan controlleren ser ud til Nintendos kommende konsol. Men hvad er en ny konsol uden spilproducenter der støtter op om den?
Her er nogle af de kommentarer som den nye controller fik med på vejen af nogle af de helt store spilproducenter

Brian Farrell, president of THQ:
"Nintendo has long been a trailblazer, and this controller design reinforces that reputation. We enthusiastically support Nintendo's next console because we believe their approach of continual innovation is very much in line with our own strategy of creating unique and innovative games for the next generation of hardware."

Chuck Huebner, lederen af Activision:
"What we're seeing from this controller is the same thing we saw with Nintendo DS. It's a system that's designed with an eye on enticing new players to the video game industry, and that's something we firmly support."

John Schappert, Sr. Vice President,Electronic Arts Canada: "Game control is essential - it's the area where perhaps the most game-play improvement can be made. While our portfolio represents a full array of titles across all genres, I think our sports titles might be the first to immediately take advantage of what this novel 'freehand' type of control has to offer."

Serge Hascoet, Chief Creative Officer,Ubisoft:
"We were among the first publishers to see the control design in action. We're excited about the new controller and are looking forward to taking advantage of its innovative aspects."

Metal Gear Solid director Hideo Kojima:
'You've done it!' was my impression. This was totally unexpected. I was pleasantly surprised because the controller is quite comfortable yet provides something brand new."

Også Final Fantasy XII-producer Akitoshi Kawazu og Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii roste den nye controller.

Derudover har Square Enix, Konami og Bandai tidligere bekræftet at de supporter Nintendo Revolution.

Så fik vi blandt andet manet rygtet om, at EA ikke længere supporter Nintendo, helt i jorden. Lad os håbe at en masse andre spilproducenter føler på samme måde som overstående.

1ups givet


#1 - Morztan

Level: 1 (Goomba)

16-09-2005 07:36

Fedt! Gode og spændende kommentarer.

1ups givet

#2 - MegaGame

Level: 2 (Keese)

16-09-2005 09:55

ja spil udvirkler elsker nyt legetøj
1ups givet

#3 - Kihaishii

Level: 1 (Goomba)

16-09-2005 11:54

Den controller er goså dejlig fin =D
1ups givet

#4 - GoOby

Level: 11 (Octorok)

16-09-2005 16:48

1ups givet