Skrevet af JOEP - 07-12-2018 05:19
Det er over 10 år siden, at der sidst er udkommet et spil i Marvel Ultimate Alliance-serien, så det kom så lidt af en overraskelse, da et nyt spil blev annonceret under The Game Awards i nat. Det drejer sig om det tredje spil i serien med titlen Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, og det er et hack 'n' slash-spil sat i Marvel-universet med masser af action og helte og skurke. Spillet bliver udviklet eksklusivt til Switch og udkommer i 2019. Her er en trailer for det:
#1 - JOEP
Level: 50 (Torizo)
07-12-2018 05:20
Officiel pressemeddelelse:LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Nintendo Switch video game system is about to get a lot more heroic. MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order is heading exclusively to the Nintendo Switch system for Super Hero gaming action at home or on the go. The new game, which arrives nearly 10 years after the previous installment in the series, is being developed by KOEI TECMO GAMES/Team NINJA and published by Nintendo. Nintendo made the announcement with a trailer shown during The Game Awards in Los Angeles.
MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order brings together Super Heroes and Super Villains from across the Marvel Universe to battle for the limitless power of the Infinity Gauntlet, one Stone at a time. This unprecedented team of characters must use their unique superpowers to defeat the mad cosmic tyrant Thanos and his ruthless warmasters, The Black Order. The game will feature an original story and a playable cast of dozens of Marvel Super Heroes, including the Avengers, the X-Men, and—for the first time in series history—the Guardians of the Galaxy.
The new game features the same kind of action-RPG gameplay that made the franchise such a hit over a decade ago. In MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order, up to four players can drop in for co-op battles in a variety of ways: They can play online*, link up offline via local wireless or pass a Joy-Con controller to a friend to join the team. With another pair of Joy-Con (sold separately), four players can team up on one system. In addition to the series’ traditional perspective, the new entry will let players select a dynamic, zoomed-in heroic view, allowing for a more immersive play style for single-player or multiplayer when using multiple systems.
“As longtime fans of the franchise, we could not be prouder and more excited to bring back ULTIMATE ALLIANCE with its biggest game yet,” said Mike Jones, Vice President & Executive Producer, Marvel Games. “MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE is all about teaming up with your friends and creating your own ‘dream team’ of Super Heroes to go on adventures across the Marvel Universe, and Nintendo Switch is perfect for delivering on that promise of cooperative gameplay and shared experiences.”
“The MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE games have been beloved by fans for more than a decade, and this new installment on Nintendo Switch will deliver even more of the thrills and heroics that the franchise is known for,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Thanks to our partnership with Marvel, the fate of the Marvel Universe will literally be in the hands of Nintendo Switch players, whether they’re at home or on the go.”
Additional details about the game will be announced in the future.
#2 - Krisp
Level: 18 (Twhomp)
07-12-2018 09:37
Er der nogen som kan sige god for de tidligere spil i serien? Jeg er ikke stor fan af den røde cirkel som omkranser ens figur i spillet. Det ødelægger lidt indlevelsen ?#3 - ThePatrickBay
Level: 33 (Hammer Bro)
07-12-2018 11:37
Jeg kunne egentlig godt være fristet af at købe det. Team Ninja har lavet mange solide spil, og jeg har det fint med hack'n'slash-spil.#4 - Moses
Level: 3 (Koopa-Troopa)
09-12-2018 00:06
Jeg er kke den store marvel fan, men det her kunne jeg godt finde på at købe.#5 - Marddos91
Level: 15 (Geega)
09-12-2018 19:00
Krisp skrev:
Er der nogen som kan sige god for de tidligere spil i serien? Jeg er ikke stor fan af den røde cirkel som omkranser ens figur i spillet. Det ødelægger lidt indlevelsen ?
Jeg var ret glad for de gamle spil, men det er efterhånden rigtig mange år siden, jeg har spillet dem, så husker ikke så meget andet end, at det var gode oplevelser, jeg havde.
Som jeg husker det, så minder gameplayet i det nye ret meget om de gamle spil, men dog lidt mere hektisk og en del mere fokus på hack'n'slash, som jeg ikke husker var lige så voldsomt i de gamle (kan dog huske forkert).
Det er dog helt sikkert et køb fra min side af! Jeg har for ikke alt for længe siden skrevet de to første spil på min liste over spil, jeg skal have fat i, inden for den nærmeste fremtid, så jeg kan spille dem igen