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Ny Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl-trailer viser nye områder frem

Ny Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl-trailer viser nye områder frem

Skrevet af JOEP - 10-11-2021 19:43

Det har hidtil været omgæret af lidt mystik, om genudgivelserne af Pokémon Diamond og Pearl egentlig ville indeholde noget helt nyt, men nu har Nintendo og The Pokémon Company i en ny trailer bekræftet, at det faktisk er tilfældet. Der vil være et nyt område, som hedder Ramanas Park, hvor du vil kunne fange diverse legendariske Pokémon. Det kan du se i traileren her:

Som det er vanen i Pokémon-spillene er der også her forskel på de to versioner. I Pokémon Brilliant Diamond kan du møde Raikou, Entei, Suicune og Ho-Oh, mens du i Pokémon Shining Pearl kan få muligheden for at fange Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres og Lugia.

Derudover er det også blevet annonceret, at har du Pokémon Let's Go-data på din Switch, så vil du kunne få Mew, mens du vil kunne få Jirachi, hvis du har data fra Pokémon Sword/Shield.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl udgives 19. november, men allerede en uge før udgivelsen udgives en patch til spillet, som tilføjer adskillige forbedringer - herunder ændres lydfilerne fra MIDI-formatet til et langt bedre format, og så åbnes der for noget indhold. Du kan i første kommentar til denne nyhed læse den komplette note, der viser, hvad patchen indeholder. Den kommer til at fylde 3 GB.

Hvad siger du til traileren og disse informationer?

1ups givet



#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

10-11-2021 19:45

Her er de fulde patch noter:

  • Addition of Grand Underground, Super Contest Show, Union Room and Mystery Gift communication features
    You will be able to enjoy local and online communication features of the Grand Underground, Super Contest Show and Union Room. Additionally, you will also become able to receive gifts using the Mystery Gift feature.
  • Addition of content after entering the Hall of Fame
    Some content that becomes playable after entering the Hall of Fame, including Ramanas Park, will be added in the update.
    Note: even if you have already entered the Hall of Fame before downloading the update, downloading it will allow you to play the additional content.
  • Addition of some in-game cutscenes and animations
    Some in-game cutscenes and animations will be added in the update, including the game’s ending cutscene and the title screen animation that is played when opening the software.
    Note: you can view the title screen animation by starting up the software with existing save data and with the update installed. Even if you have already entered the Hall of Fame before the update is installed, you can view the ending cutscene by entering the Hall of Fame again afterwards.
  • Other adjustments and corrections were made to improve the gameplay experience.
  • Regarding a planned update after release
    On the release date for the software, up to two players will be able to interact in local and online play in the Union Room, and you will be able to select the “Battle”, “Trade” and “Mix Records” functions. In an update that will be made available after the software releases, the maximum number of players will be increased, and the “Greeting” and “Capsule Decoration” functions will become available.
    Additionally, trading using the GWS in Jubilife City and the use of the Colosseum feature inside Pokémon Centers will also be added in a post-release update.

1ups givet

#2 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

11-11-2021 10:15

Det er nu bekræftet, at lydfilerne blev opdateret fra


Givet denne kæmpe-mæssige opdatering, så lader det til, at spillene her er lidt et rush-job, hvilket da også er ret tydeligt ud fra, hvad vi ellers har set til spillene. Desværre.
1ups givet