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Se hvad LEGO x Super Mario drejer sig om i ny trailer

Se hvad LEGO x Super Mario drejer sig om i ny trailer

Skrevet af JOEP - 12-03-2020 14:09

I forgårs kunne Nintendo annoncere et samarbejde mellem dem og LEGO, men der var ganske enkelt ikke nogen information omkring, hvad samarbejdet gik ud på - en video efterfølgende kunne dog redegøre for 12 pakker med LEGO, som lå i en prisklasse fra 100 til 1000 kr. Nu har Nintendo of Europe dog lagt en video ud, som viser hvad det går ud på - se den her:

Det drejer sig altså om en opbyggelig bane, som du skal igennem med din Mario-figur inden tiden løber ud. Mario-figuren er interaktiv og reagerer på de forskellige klodser.

Du kan læse den fulde pressemeddelelse her:

The LEGO Group announced a partnership with Nintendo that will change the way people interact with Super Mario in the physical world and engage in LEGO experiences.

Both companies share a passion for innovation and play and their collaboration has led to a reimagination of the LEGO building experience, enabling an entirely new way to play inspired by the beloved video game icon, Super Mario.

Neither a video game nor a traditional LEGO brick-based set, LEGO Super Mario is a new product line that features an interactive LEGO Mario figure who collects coins in real-life game levels created with LEGO bricks. The new line will let kids experience the playful world of Super Mario like never before. Super Mario will be brought to life in the physical LEGO world and new levels of challenge and styles of play will be part of the iconic LEGO experience enjoyed by generations.

The video, which hints at what fans can expect when LEGO Super Mario launches later this year, shows a player using an interactive Mario figure to collect coins in a real-life game level that has been created with LEGO bricks.

“We are very excited to bring Mario into the physical world through interactive and social LEGO play”, said Julia Goldin, Chief Marketing Officer, EVP of the LEGO Group. “With this experience we will help millions of kids with love for Mario to engage and play in a completely new way, where they are in control of creating and playing games with their favourite character. By seamlessly incorporating the latest digital technology, LEGO Super Mario is a highly social, interactive and collaborative experience for kids.”

“I have always liked LEGO products and how they help children use their imagination to play”, said Takashi Tezuka, Executive Officer and Game Producer of Nintendo Co., Ltd. “The new product we created together with the LEGO Group seeks to combine two different styles of play – one where you freely build the world of Mario and the other where you play with Mario in the very world that you have created.”

Der er også lidt billeder, som du kan se her:

Hvad synes du om idéen her?

1ups givet


Mr. Mario

#1 - Mr. Mario

Level: 23 (Skree)

12-03-2020 14:19

Umiddelbart er det ikke lige det, jeg havde forventet.
Om det er en god eller skidt idé, kan jeg ikke rigtigt tage stilling til, før jeg har set noget mere til det. Smiley
1ups givet

#2 - ChiCkenEL

Level: 6 (Cucco)

12-03-2020 14:20

Havde måske regnet med de der alm Lego sæt.
Lige som alt det Marvel/DC, City sæt og alt det.
1ups givet
Mr. Mario

#3 - Mr. Mario

Level: 23 (Skree)

12-03-2020 14:24

Ja, det havde jeg også.

Men Mario-verdenen ser da flot ud i LEGO. Smiley
1ups givet

#4 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

12-03-2020 14:33

Det ligger lidt i forlængelse af det, LEGO for tiden arbejder med - programmerbart LEGO. Her virker det som om, at man kan bygge en bane, som figuren skal igennem, men den interagerer med klodserne undervejs. Er da en sjov idé, men er lidt skeptisk over det. Måske noget for lidt mindre børn.

Har indsat pressemeddelelsen og billeder i nyheden.
1ups givet

#5 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

13-03-2020 21:24

Der er kommet et interview frem med en af designerne bag, Jonathan Bennink:

“I’ve been working on this project for four years, but about a half a year before that, leaders from both LEGO and Nintendo met up to talk about what we could do together and where our core competencies lie. We decided early on that we wanted to leverage what both parties are good at. For LEGO, that’s of course the brick, being creative and using your imagination. For Nintendo, it is seamless interactivity and innovation. We wanted to make sure that when LEGO and Nintendo come together, those two big brands with lots of fans, that we do it justice.

About half a year into the project we made this first prototype of an interactive Mario figure. I hope one day we get to share this with the world because I think it would be quite interesting for people to know where it came from and how it evolved. But it was basically just a tiny little brick, maybe four modules high with a screen and speakers that we put a cap on and paint red. Once we put the cap on, we were all like, “Yeah, that’s Mario!” and we instantly fell in love with him as an interactive LEGO character

But we didn’t know exactly what to do with him and how to make the most of the functionality. For that, we worked with Nintendo and play-tested with kids for quite a few iterations until we solidified the idea of building levels. Essentially, you can’t go wrong building levels but certain combinations and tricks will make the level better and get more coins from it. Building levels was probably the biggest revelation of the project because that is really where the core LEGO play comes in. Everything is happening in the bricks, and it’s about coming up with ideas for levels and building anything that you want with the technology and interactivity that Nintendo is known for infused in it from the beginning.”

Til spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt andre af Nintendos IP'er kunne få sådan en behandling:

“Again, I can’t go into any specifics here, but I can say that we haven’t worked for four years to release just one wave of products. We hope to have a long and fruitful relationship with Nintendo and their IPs, and we are really looking forward to working with them on a longer-term. They have a lot of very exciting IPs that we might do or might not do.”


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