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Spidersaurs kommer til Switch i løbet af foråret

Spidersaurs kommer til Switch i løbet af foråret

Skrevet af JOEP - 04-03-2022 13:02

Edderkopper og dinosaurer er måske ikke en helt oplagt kombination, men det er helt sikkert et uberørt tema. Det har WayForward fundet ud af, for de annoncerede i 2019 action-spillet Spidersaurs, og nu er det annonceret, at spillet finder vej til Switch i løbet af foråret. Du kan se en trailer for spillet her:

Spillet er allerede ude på Apple Arcade, men konsol-versionen får nye baner, en ny slutning, en ny slutboss og mere.

Lider du af eddersaurus-fobi?

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#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

04-03-2022 13:04

Inspired by classic action games and Saturday morning cartoons from days gone by, this original property from the dev team behind Contra 4 pits one or two players against a man-eating, half-spider, half-dinosaur mutant menace — the Spidersaurs! Though originally created by INGESTCorp as a way to solve global hunger, the tangy food source with a bite decides to bite back, so it’s up to punk rocker Victoria and officer-in-training Adrian to run, jump, climb, and shoot their way through multiple levels of over-the-top, high-octane mayhem. Armed with an assortment of character-specific weapons (including Victoria’s Metal Spread and Electronica Chain and Adrian’s Flame Thrower and Rebound Breaker) and special Spidersaur powers, players must navigate the INGESTCorp facility and put a stop to the mindless army of genetically engineered monsters.

Key Features

•Intense, Saturday-morning-cartoon-style action for one or two players – complete with theme song and epic intro from Powerhouse Animation!
•Two distinct playable characters: punk rocker Victoria and officer-in-training Adrian!
•Unleash awesome firepower – everything from spread guns and lasers to detonating footballs and bass-heavy electronica!
•Explosive environments including volcanoes, jungles, laboratories, and more!
•A menagerie of unique and terrifying Spidersaurs to battle!
•Unlock new abilities as you advance through the INGESTCorp facility!
•Three difficulty settings: Well Done, Medium, and Rare!
•Unlockable arcade mode and speedrun mode!
•From the developers of Contra 4!

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