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Wolfenstein: Youngblood udkommer til Switch den 26. juli - ny trailer udsendt

Wolfenstein: Youngblood udkommer til Switch den 26. juli - ny trailer udsendt

Skrevet af JOEP - 27-03-2019 15:16

Det er længe siden, at der kom rygter frem om, at Wolfenstein: Youngblood kommer til Switch, og nu er det endelig blevet bekræftet af Bethesda selv. Spillet lanceres til alle platforme den 26. juli og for at fejre den annoncering, er der også udsendt en ny trailer, der viser historien i spillet frem. Den kan du se lige her:

Den officielle pressemeddelelse kan læses her:

Jess and Soph Blazkowicz will stop at nothing to find their father, and that includes taking on the Nazi forces in Paris, France. Establish your home base deep in the Parisian Catacombs and tackle missions in any order you want. Team up with a friend or play with an AI companion and obliterate the Nazi regime.

Along with the newly added co-op system, Youngblood features some newly added RPG elements. Explore Paris and take on the Nazis to level up and unlock new abilities, weapon attachments, gadgets, cosmetics and more. You’ll have access to updated and improved New Colossus weapons like the Dieselkraftwerk, Shockhammer (now called the Kugelgewehr), Laserkraftwerk and more, and you’ll also be able to tear through the fascist hordes with a number of new weapons like the iconic Maschinepistole and the devastatingly powerful Elektrokraftwerk.

On its face, Youngblood tells the story of two sisters, but behind the scenes, it also tells the story of two sister studios. MachineGames has partnered with the creative talents at Arkane Studios in Lyon to bring you the latest installment in this series.

When you pick up the Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe Edition, you’ll get the Buddy Pass, meaning you can partner up with a friend, even if that friend doesn’t own the game. As long as that friend is playing with you, they’ll be able to download and play Youngblood for free, all thanks to the Buddy Pass. The Buddy Pass can only be provided to one friend at a time, but it can be reused as many times as you want. Those playing using a friend’s Buddy Pass can choose to upgrade to the full game and play on their own or with other players at any time.

In addition to the Buddy Pass, the Deluxe Edition also gets you the Cyborg Skin Pack, a cosmetic pack designed to give you that titanium Terminator look. The Cyborg Skin Pack includes a shiny new skin for the twins’ Power Suits, guns, combat knives and hatchets.

Glæder du dig til mere Wolfenstein på Switch?

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#1 - BroSmash

Level: 8 (Pirahna Plant)

21-10-2020 15:51

Stensikkert køb herfra ?
1ups givet

#2 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

28-03-2019 07:14

Panic Button er bekræftet til at stå bag denne port.
1ups givet

#3 - Krisp

Level: 18 (Twhomp)

28-03-2019 11:41

Fed trailer, det ser spændende ud. Det er fedt at høre, at det er Panic Button som står for porten, de har jo styr på det. Bare ærgerligt at der var en del bugs i Wolfenstein 2 til Switch'en, som de ikke har gidet at gøre noget ved. Jeg mailede deres support omkring det, men fik intet svar.

Wolfenstein 2 var et fedt spil. Fedt at se Grace igen i traileren (med ny frisure) Smiley. Jeg håber dog at Youngblood kan spilles som 1 spiller, uden at det føles som om man går glip af noget. Jeg frygter lidt at den gode singleplayer oplevelse går tabt i dette.
1ups givet
Andreas Tarding

#4 - Andreas Tarding

Level: 18 (Twhomp)

28-03-2019 13:46

Jeg er meget spændt på, om man formår at få online co-op til at fungere, simpelthen rent teknisk - eller om der, af den ene eller anden årsag, skulle vise sig at komme problemer.

Jeg kan egentlig ikke se for mig, hvad der skulle være i vejen pt, ærligt talt - men det er jo altid spændende, med Nintendo og online. Smiley

Uanset hvad, en sjov idé, med "online Download Play" på Deluxe-udgaven - lidt en homage til det gamle system på GBA og DS, vel egentlig.
1ups givet

#5 - Krisp

Level: 18 (Twhomp)

29-03-2019 07:48

#4: Ved vi endnu om der kommer en online co-op del i Youngblood? Jeg havde egentligt bare det troet det var normal split screen co op.
1ups givet

#6 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

29-03-2019 07:54

^I beskrivelsen ovenfor:

When you pick up the Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe Edition, you’ll get the Buddy Pass, meaning you can partner up with a friend, even if that friend doesn’t own the game. As long as that friend is playing with you, they’ll be able to download and play Youngblood for free, all thanks to the Buddy Pass. The Buddy Pass can only be provided to one friend at a time, but it can be reused as many times as you want. Those playing using a friend’s Buddy Pass can choose to upgrade to the full game and play on their own or with other players at any time.

Noget tyder da i hvert fald på, at der kommer noget co-op.

1ups givet

#7 - Krisp

Level: 18 (Twhomp)

01-04-2019 13:51

#6: Ja selvfølgeligt kommer der co-op, det er hele spillet udviklet med henblik på.

Men havde overset den del med Buddy Pass. Så ku' det godt tyde på at der også er tale om online co op:
1ups givet