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Aliens: Colonial Marines tilbyder mere på Wii U

Aliens: Colonial Marines tilbyder mere på Wii U

Skrevet af Lukas Skywalker - 29-03-2012 20:18

Fans af Aliens bør måske overveje Wii U som maskine, når de skal investere i Aliens: Colonial Marines. I følge Gearbox' direktør, Randy Pitchford, har Wii U "så meget mere at byde på".

Randy Pitchford fortalte for nyligt i et interview, at dette kommende shooterspil vil være helt unikt på Wii U, hvor spillet i høj grad gør brug af tablet-controlleren.

"The Wii U version has so much more to offer. No other platform can do what the Wii U can do. If you love [Xbox] 360 games, you are not used to being in a world where you have this new interface. But once you get used to that, you imagine the possibilities.

There are some opportunities that are just not possible on any platform that does not have that device."

Hvad det helt præcist er der er unikt, må vi dog vente med at høre.

"I don't want to give spoilers away on some of the things we are thinking of or thing we have actually implemented already, but there are a lot of cool opportunities with that device that are going to make a very unique and compelling experience on that platform.

We have given it a lot of attention. I think it will not be too long [before] Nintendo opens up their kimono a little bit more about that platform and where it is going, and we will be there right with them talking about how Aliens is using it."

- Randy Pitchford, Gearbox Software

Aliens: Colonial Marines udkommer til Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 og pc til efteråret. Wii U, og dermed Wii U-versionen, forventes udgivet sidst på året.

1ups givet



#1 - Zøvnig

Level: 20 (Moblin)

29-03-2012 23:02

Det er lige netop denne type spil jeg glæder mig rigtig meget til, at kunne spille på min Nintendo konsol Smiley Spillet ser umiddelbart spændende ud, men jeg skal stadig lige se eller prøve det irl først. Firstperson shooters kan se super fede ud i trailers, men det er ofte en masse småting der gør forskellen på, om de ender som "endnu et i bunken" eller om de virkelig har noget nyt eller fedt at byde ind med.
1ups givet

#2 - RandomDovenGuy

Level: 1 (Goomba)

29-03-2012 23:48

jeg er lidt bagud med WiiU info.. men dette lyder lækkert.. hvornår er det den udkommer? ved vi det?
1ups givet

#3 - Shajita

Level: 28 (Skeeter)

30-03-2012 00:10

^ Vi har ikke rigtig hørt noget nyt siden E3 sidste år. Vent til E3 i år her til sommer, og så ved vi alt hvad der er værd at vide.
1ups givet

#4 - Moses

Level: 3 (Koopa-Troopa)

31-03-2012 18:56

jeg havde nu heller set at de havde udgive Borderlands 2 på wiiu
1ups givet

#5 - Grauling

Level: 23 (Skree)

31-03-2012 22:04

1ups givet
Super Mario (Nex)

#6 - Super Mario (Nex)

Level: 14 (Inkling)

31-03-2012 22:51

Enig med Zøvnig! Er fedt at høre at diverse spilfirmaer allerede nu tager Wii U seriøst, og ikke bare laver en motion-control gimmick funktion, som der UENDELIGT mange af i starten af Wii'ens levetid... Men nu må vi se! Glæder mig til E3! Smiley
1ups givet

#7 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

04-04-2012 18:34

Endnu en udtalelse er kommet fra Gearbox vedrørende det kommende Aliens-spil på Wii U - denne gang fra chief creative officer, Brian Martell, der udtaler:

“I think things like the Wii U are becoming very sexy with what you can do with the controller and especially with what we’re able to do with using things like motion tracker or whatever sub gameplay will be that you get to see on there.

“I think that’s a compelling experience. I think the machine itself will be one of the best looking versions of the game, because they’ve got more RAM than some of the other things and they’re late in the cycle, so they’ve got this really great processor and all that kind of stuff.”

1ups givet

#8 - KJ85

Level: 58 (Tektite)

04-04-2012 18:38

For at det ikke skal være løgn har Randy Pitchford faktisk også givet yderligere information:

“Nintendo still has a lot to announce with their platform, and it’s not up to us to go ahead of them. I think it’s a great platform and I’m really excited about it, particularly with this game, there’s a lot of exciting opportunities like, ‘Wow, my motion tracker is there, and I can move it like this!’ There’s just so much cool stuff.

“There’s a lot that we can do with that screen. It’s a really cool system — it’s pretty powerful. I want to be careful, because I don’t want to risk any sensitive information that Nintendo’s not ready to share yet, but in our experience it’s a great system. I think it’s a really nice bridge to the next generation. I think people will be surprised. I don’t know off the top of my head how many of the specs they’ve released, so I want to be very careful not to jump the gun, but we’re very pleased with the hardware. And even since they gave us our first alpha kit, our very first ‘pre-prototype’ development hardware that they kind of let us play around with, they’ve done so many things to make the platform better. So it’s getting better for us as developers.”

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