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Criterion vil gerne lave spil til Wii og DS

Criterion vil gerne lave spil til Wii og DS

Skrevet af Zøvnig - 14-12-2006 15:11

Hos Newsweek har de haft interviewet Alex Ward, director of design hos Criterion Games. Han er langtfra afvisende overfor at lave spil til Wii eller DS. Det han dog slår fast er at de ikke er interesseret i normale ports. Og det er ikke ren tankespind. Criterion Games er i kontakt med Nintendo omkring disse ting. Lige nu skal de dog først have gjort Burnout 5 færdig til Playstation 3 og Xbox 360. Så vil de bagefter se hvad næste projekt bliver.

Læs et uddrag af interviewet her:

Q: What about Wii? You’ve got Nintendo fans–what can you offer them?

A: At the moment, we’re only working on Playstation 3 and 360. We’re into the Wii. It’s not like we’re not. We used to get all the hate mail from people saying, “Why aren’t you doing this?” I’d love to do something on that system. We’d like to think about exactly about what it would be. And we’d have to build something bespoke. I’ve met with the Nintendo guys. They’ve shown me their stuff. It’s cool. I think we’d have to look at very bespoke experiences.

Q: So you don’t want to just do a port.

A: No way. We just don’t do ports at Criterion. We never have. When we did Burnout 1 on Xbox, it was like, “What else can we do?” We were the first game on Xbox to do Live scoreboards. Burnout Revenge on 360, it was a three-month job, but we were big on Save and Share. We were big on Live Revenge. We knew that Live was going to be where it was at, so we put all our time into Live features. When we get a look at the hardware, we just think, “What’s the best game we can do on that?”

If we were to do a DS game–and we haven’t done a DS game yet; the last Burnout for DS wasn’t done by us–we’ve got some ideas we think that would be very bespoke. Using the stylus. Using the microphone. Using everything you can to make that system fun. And hypothetically, Burnout on Wii–maybe you wouldn’t do any driving in it at all. Let’s do something totally different with it. The Burnout team, we want to do it, but at the moment. we’re just focused on doing the PS3 and Xbox 360 Burnout 5. Who knows what we’ll do after that. We’ll probably be dead.

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#1 - Nymark99

Level: 1 (Goomba)

14-12-2006 15:36

Cool Smiley
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#2 - D_S

Level: 1 (Goomba)

14-12-2006 16:32

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#3 - Zoracka

Level: 1 (Goomba)

14-12-2006 17:08

Wii Smiley
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#4 - Freso

Level: 1 (Goomba)

14-12-2006 17:24

Jaja. Lad os se et spil fra dem før vi jubler og klapper i hænderne...
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