Skrevet 16-10-2015 15:03 - Redigeret 23-01-2017 14:44
#1606 - Skrevet 07-09-2020 19:10
En japansk Mario 35 reklame:#1607 - Skrevet 11-09-2020 23:52 - Redigeret 12-09-2020 00:07
Vi er vist så godt som definitivt ved "ulven kommer!"-området, når man snakker om "Switch Pro"-rygter - det giver vist efterhånden kun mening, at kigge på større kilder, da det simpelthen har kørt i tomgang for længe, ellers.The introduction of a more affordable Switch Lite variant in late 2019 helped broaden the machine’s potential audience and Nintendo is making preparations for an upgraded Switch model and a beefed-up games lineup for 2021, Bloomberg News has reported. Several outside game developers, speaking anonymously as the issue is private, said that Nintendo has asked them to make their games 4K-ready, suggesting a resolution upgrade is on its way.
A Nintendo spokesman declined to comment.
Angiveligt har de altså hørt direkte fra udviklere, at Nintendo skulle have bedt dem foreberede "4K-ready" grafik - hvad mere eller mindre kun ville pege på en spec-opgradering.
Jeg synes selv, 4K virker lidt fishy, da krævende spil på Switch typisk ligger på 720p i TV Mode - men muligvis er størstedelen af titler, værende mindre grafisk krævende, reelt omkring 1080p, så det "logiske næste hop" netop er 4K?
"Next-gen krigen": Xbox Series S vs. Switch Pro, hvis opstillet udelukkende på prisleje. Det bliver vel endnu en generation med "impossible ports" og port-begging online, muligvis.
Edit: Generationen bliver jo opdelt i 3 "niveauer" af specs - ligesom den forgangne. Konkret kommer det så bare, denne gang, til at være: Nintendo laver udelukkende "niveau 1" (Switch Pro, tilsvarende last-gen), Microsoft laver så både "niveau 2" (Series S) og "niveau 3" (Series X), og Sony laver nu udelukkende "niveau 3" (PS5).
Med andre ord - ingen laver længere det samme. Alle er unikke. Godt for industrien, eller forbrugerforvirring og dommedag?
#1608 - Skrevet 26-10-2020 06:49 - Redigeret 26-10-2020 06:51
#1609 - Skrevet 26-10-2020 16:45
^Så får man da lige lyst til at spille FE: Three Houses igen med den trailer der.#1612 - Skrevet 12-11-2020 22:19
Der er udsendt endnu en reklame samt nogle spøjse videoer:#1613 - Skrevet 18-11-2020 06:53 - Redigeret 18-11-2020 06:53
Som om det ikke var nok, så skal vi da også lige se på Brie Larson, når hun spiller.#1614 - Skrevet 22-11-2020 07:49
Nogle nye reklamer fra US:#1615 - Skrevet 23-11-2020 19:36
Og endnu en reklame!#1616 - Skrevet 25-11-2020 19:21
Endnu en quiz-video:#1618 - Skrevet 17-12-2020 06:50 - Redigeret 17-12-2020 06:51
Nintendo of America har kommenteret lidt på JoyCon drifting-problemerne:“First and foremost, we want every consumer to have a great experience with their Nintendo Switch and with the games they play on Nintendo Switch. That’s of utmost importance to us. Our mission is to put smiles on faces. And we want to make sure that happens. If consumers have any issue with our hardware and/or software, we want them to contact us, when we will work through the proper solution to get them up and running as fast as possible.
Specific to the Joy-Cons themselves, we’ve been working very closely with consumers if and when they might have issues, whether it’s a replacement or repair. And then, what I will say, as we look at our repair cycles, we’re always looking at what is being sent in and for what reasons, and understanding that better. And without going into any details, it always gives us an opportunity to make improvements as we go forward.”
#1619 - Skrevet 17-12-2020 12:51 - Redigeret 17-12-2020 12:52
Det bliver næsten en reel forventning, om Joy-Cons får nogen form for update af deres design, hvis der skulle laves mid-life revsionen af Switch (der jo nærmer sig sit 4. år.)#1620 - Skrevet 07-01-2021 09:34
Flere Pro-rygter, denne gang fra et datamine af firmwaren på den nuværende Switch-model - ja, det er altså lidt langt ude, så det er rimelig massive mængder salt, du skal tage.Nintendo actually is working on a new model with upgraded display stuff and has been for ~1.5-2 years. I personally believe it's 4K given the signs I'm seeing in the firmware, but that's not confirmed yet and could be wrong.
The new hardware is codenamed Aula, it's using a Mariko SoC. There's a bunch of references to it in code (atmosphere supports the new display already in theory).
The tablet itself definitely has an upgraded display, I don't know if it's 4K.
Aula has firmware support some Realtek chip that advertises itself as a "4K UHD multimedia SoC", too, hence my belief it's 4K. That chip might be inside a new dock and not inside the tablet, though, there's no way to tell from the firmware code yet.
Aula explicitly supports handheld mode. It is not docked only; that's calcio, which seems like it's for internal only/never releasing since Calcio has no gamecard slot and no battery.
You can check boot sysmodule display code if you're curious. The new display doesn't support power management pwm, it has its own vendor specific bs I had to reverse engineer and implement a month or two ago.
Mariko has *substantially* better cooling and battery life. It's a bona fide die shrink over the original generation.
My best guess (pure speculation, no firmware indication this is the case) is that if they need extra performance, they'll push it to higher clock rates across the board.
But yeah, I speculate games will be like "DSi enhanced" games were, or like how some games benefited from PS4 Pro despite working on PS4.
Checked my previous discussions with hexkyz, the upgraded tablet display is an OLED screen. Probably not higher resolution on tablet itself, so I guess the 4k realtek chip is more likely to be new dock than I thought it was.
Vanilla probably won't.
We're in the realm of speculation. Aula has new GPIO that redbox doesn't related to support for this, so I would tentatively guess that redbox units won't support the new thing.
Fra ResetEra.