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N-club Juletema 2018

Mario Party: The Top 100

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

Pixeline: Tåger over Talstrup (Nintendo DS)

Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia (Nintendo DS)

Hassuss profil




20-12-2012 00:06

Bedste talkshow-gæst?


10-12-2012 02:26

Fed film. Kan anbefales.


20-11-2012 21:43

Talkshow-værten, Conan O'Brien, er begejstret for Hitman: Absolution


16-11-2012 10:44

Time Tested Beauty Tips
- et digt af Sam Levenson til sit barnebarn

For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
?For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
?For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
?For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
?For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
?People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
?As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.


07-11-2012 00:19

Camping on a cliff

I have got to get back up. There is something I am missing. My father is still ill and alone and my brother has left this world while leaving me with great responsibilities. I have to find some way around the clouds even though my foot feels like it has been roasted on a fire. If I just stay in the grass I could be allowing the death of my father - which brings me to…

…My second idea
The grass is nourished by some kind of moist surface. If I find a way to dig down deep enough I should be able to appear somewhere below the clouds.
My plan
The sword was already stuck in the ground when I first came here. It might work as a shovel. If not, I will just use the blade to cut cubes from the ground. I can remove them with my hands and throw them off the edge until I am deep enough to make my way through the mountain side with the clouds afloat above my head.
…My outcome
Not possible. I have pierced the ground as deep as I could, leaving pores across the entire mountain top. There seems to be an impenetrable rock surface just below the dirt. However I did stumble upon something strange: Around the hole where the tip of the sword had been planted when I came here a massive web of grassroots had gathered in abnormally large and heavy structures. It better be a special sword, is all I will say. Regarding the plan I can not even reach the same level as the clouds by digging down like this. Speaking of clouds…

…My third idea
A breach might appear in the clouds around the mountain at some point. Earlier I saw a few breaches form a bit further out. If so getting down and back to the town will be a small feat.
My plan
To wait - that is the problem. All time spent here is time without attendance to Senior.
…My outcome
I don't like this plan though it might be all I have. It is impossible to force a breach by pushing air onto the nearest clouds which I have tried with my jackets. It seems like this would almost be like trying to dig a hole in a pool of water. The hole keeps filling up. There is no point to it. I will have to wait instead. By the way…

…My fourth idea
I wonder where the bottle of Flaming Truth is. I have not seen it since I drank from it. If there is still some left I could carry out…
…My plan…
…to get down the same way I got up. Burning through the cloud like that seemed to work. Unfortunately…
…My outcome…
…is that the bottle and all traces of the red stuff are gone. My first thought was that I somehow had dropped it while jumping up the mountain side, but one look at my burned glove tells it all. The bottle had melted from the intense heat that surrounded me as I jumped up the mountain. In other words the plan is useless.

There must be another way.
There must
There must
There must

When the night comes he falls asleep in the soft grass with the stars watching him from a great distance. They are in awe of his spirit. However on the cloud-surrounded island his only companion remains a mystical sword that slowly seems to cause weird root formations underground.

Will the elevated castaway return home in time to attend his father?[/i]


07-11-2012 00:15

Sweet. Jeg står forhåbentlig til at gøre en drømmehandel på lørdag angående et par tegneserier.


19-10-2012 02:53

Så har jeg læst et længere Swamp Thing-forløb på 13 blade op til Alan Moores overtagelse af serien.
Det er fedt at have mulighed for at læse de historier der lagde grunden for Moores berømte tilgang til serien og de tidlige historier kan kun læses, hvis man ejer de oprindelige hæfter.

Forløbet starter med at Swamp Thing redder en lille piges liv fra sin far, der forsøger at myrde hende. Før dette følte Swamp Thing ingen mening med sin tilværelse og overvejede om det overhovedet var værd at leve som et udstødt monster. Nu fokuserer han i stedet på at beskytte den lille pige fra alverdens onder, hvilket fylder ham med en større mening end han kunne have håbet på. Som tiden går i selskab med hende bliver det mere og mere klart at hun ikke er en almindelig pige og på et tidspunkt går det op for Swamp Thing at hendes far måske egentlig havde ret med at hun burde myrdes... Gennem mange konfrontationer, konflikter og komplikationer maler der sig et større og større net af konspirationer med store forretningsmænd, nazister og satanister. Den lille pige viser sig er i ledtog med djævelen selv og har til opgave at bringe ham til verden. Det lykkes hende faktisk, men Swamp Thing, en jødisk overlever fra holocaust og et par andre allierede - alle drevet af forskellige ting - formår at stoppe processen.

Det var den overarkende historie. De enkelte delhistorier er overraskende gode og rummer kampe mod snæversynede bønder, en laserskydende agent, vampyrer, en børnemyrdende dæmon, et søuhyre, monstre skabt af karakterers fantasi, en mand med stærke overnaturlige evner, en golem og Lucifer selv. De forskellige kampe er integreret ind i den større historie på en ret meningsfuld måde og bedst af alt konkluderes de med veludtænkte og originale forløsninger, hvilket er noget jeg personligt altid sætter pris på.

Der er stadig 6 hæfter frem til punktet hvor Moore overtog serien og jeg ejer de næste 2 og har planer om at købe de igen næste 2 et sted i København inden så længe. De 2 sidste må jeg se om er til at finde et eller andet sted og vil rigtig gerne have dem, da Swamp Thing her endnu engang kæmper mod sin ærkefjende fra de allerførste Swamp Thing-tegneserier fra 70'erne, Anton Arcane. Den kamp er ikke bare symbolsk, men har en større betydning i den første del af Alan Moores forløb...


10-10-2012 19:59

Paper Mario: Sticker Star kommer til Europa den 7. december 2012.
Det er et spil jeg ser meget frem til - mest af alle spil i år faktisk. Jeg ser altid frem til de nye 3D-trailere for spillet. Det er et af de spil der er en ren fornøjelse at se på, for mig. 2D-billeder og -trailere repræsenterer ikke spillet på retfærdig vis. Mario RPG'er plejer normalt at være god underholdning i sig selv og med charmen ved de mange papirmiljøer, papirbaggrunde og skøre tiltag som gedebukke og kattestatuer der vil være i spillet, kan jeg ikke lade være med at se frem til det som en stort set garanteret god og frisk spilleoplevelse.


10-10-2012 01:29

Hey dude, var det dig der anbefalede Breaking Bad?


06-10-2012 15:08

28 down, 17 to go.


27-09-2012 23:07

Kapitel 20 i min eventyrserie, Cold Mountain, der kan læses i sin fulde længde her: Link

Trek to lonely tops

The clouds are just air to him. He will find a way. He will sneak past the wolf.

His feet are arrows and his eyes are suns – shining past and aiming for the clouds in front of him. Ian Senior… that is all there is to it.

He stabs the sword in the ground as a handle as he aims his leg towards safe footing on the mountain side. There is no ideal opportunity for placing his foot in sight, so in order to feel his way he passes his foot through the white floating surface.

Suddenly the sun extinguishes, the sky turns dark and a physical pain greater than any other he has ever felt explodes within his foot. Almost as the life lessons from the three meetings he had made in the snow, this is a fourth revelation of what true pain can feel like, though this time his heart and mind are not the subjects. This time the pain is concentrated in his foot, flowing through him like a massive waterfall. The heavens grow deaf from his screams. He pulls himself back up and is once again lying in the same grass he defied to stay in just a moment before.

When he thinks the pain will start to die down it just keeps going which makes it seem even worse than before. He undresses the foot which increases the pain. The sock is solid at some parts and sticks to his skin. He pulls it off slowly. The heavens read his lips and have to look away. Underneath, his foot is revealed to be partly frozen – some areas more severe than others. His smallest toe and the area below are as black as coal and show a shape and texture that should not belong on any living being.

The clouds are like magma only freezing, not burning. He is surrounded by the harshest gatekeeper. All he has is his wounded self, the mountain top, the poor heavens and the sword his brother died for. Meanwhile his father could be lying on his deathbed back in the village. Let alone without medicine, but without food, without attendance, without company… without the sons that have given him a will to live.

Read the next chapter..[/i]


27-09-2012 01:50

Jeg savner Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Det står på min hylde i form af Metroid Prime Trilogy og venter på mig, men først må jeg have en skærm for ikke at snakke om ikke-eksisterende tid. Når de ting er på plads skal jeg dernæst først se om jeg kan gennemføre Prime med alle genstande.
Jeg savner Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.


22-09-2012 10:54

Game Grumps(link), Let's Play-serien med Egorapter og JonTron som jeg nævnte i min N-blog d. 16/8, har nogle ret kreative og passionerede fans. Det har ført til mange fede musikalske fortolkninger, ikke mindst Pause Balls(link), Goof Troop Boop(link) og Poppy Bros(link).

Den seneste nye fankreation, Emotional Claws, er nok noget det bedste fra den skuffe jeg har hørt.


18-09-2012 15:35

Endnu en gang telefonfis fra The Howard Stern Show. Denne gang bliver en ældre dame spurgt om hvordan hun har det omkring 15 gange.


09-09-2012 18:26

Så er jeg stille og roligt gået i gang med min næste klumme til forsiden.

(Skulle nogen være interesseret i et hint om hvad den kunne handle om, vil jeg løfte sløret for så meget som at den i en vis forstand fortsætter hvor den forrige slap)